Hey Everyone!
大伙们考完试了吗~那就来和我们一起来玩laser tag和保龄球吧!票数量有限欲购从速喔!:)
Finally done with mid-term exams!!?? YAY, let's have some fun and forget about the exams. Join us and plan Laser & bowling for Saturday afternoon. We have limited numbers of tickets so it's better to be quick!! :)
Time: 2 May 2015, Saturday
Activities: Exciting 2 LASER TAG games and 1 BOWLING game for 2 hours from 2 to 4pm!!
Price: $28 per person for members.
$33 for access card holder
$35 for non-access.
How to get your ticket?
Time: 30 April Thursaday 1-3pm
Location: Stall outside Merewether Building