
2015年03月25日 澳洲格瑞丝留学移民

想知道從沒見過面,只在電話裡、網路上、或者通訊軟體中跟你用英文交談的人,到底是老中還是老美? 很多時候不必深談,一句話就能現出端倪。


請從以下三段對話,猜猜 John 和Bill 誰是老中,誰較可能是老美:

Mary: “Hey, I saw you two falling asleep in class!”
John: “Yeah. I burned the midnight oil last night preparing for my final exam.”
Bill: “Yeah. I stayed up late last night preparing for my final exam.”

解答:從burn the midnight oil這個我們國高中時期學到的片語,就知道對話者John十之八九是個老中,Bill才可能是美國人,因為美國人說「熬夜」,多半用簡單的stay up late帶過。

Mary: “You need to relax. How about getting a massage?”
John: “Great idea. That’s just what I need for my aching body.”
Bill: “Great idea. That’s just the ticket for my aching body.”

解答:老中 John 表示「那正是我所需要的」,多半會說that’s just what I need。而擁有足夠俚語詞量的老美Bill,較有可能用that’s the ticket。這句可以追溯自19世紀的慣用語。

Mary: “I have to say that both of you are great students.”
John: “Thank you.”
Bill: “Could I have that in writing?


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