当当当~~2015年的最后一场雅思考试已经结束啦!~ 首先,小雅哥要恭喜墨尔本无忧雅思106名学员在这一年里突破了雅思4个7这一大难关,其次要感谢在这一年里一直支持和关注我们的小伙伴们,有了你们的支持和鼓励,我们无忧雅思才能越来越好!~
为了回馈各位亲爱的烤鸭们,今天无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐可是给大家带来了灭雅思的神器哦~ 那就是2015年A类大作文考题年度大盘点!!!想知道今年一年A类大作文都考了哪些话题吗?想知道雅思现在大作文的话题趋势是什么吗?且让小雅哥为各位亲爱的小伙伴们细细道来~~~
教育类: 9次
【2015.02.28】Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?
【2015.04.18】Some people think only the best students should be rewarded. Others say it is more important to reward students who show the improvement. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.05.30】Some people think computers and the internet are more important for children education than going to schools. However, others believe schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.06.06】More and more people want to study in universities; therefore the competition of going to university is increasing. Why do more people want to go to universities nowadays and do you think this increased competition is positive or negative?
【2015.06.13】Some people think that students who go to universities should pay tuition fees by themselves, because it only benefits their own but not the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.07.11】Some people think it is no longer important to teach children the skill of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.08.29】Some people think that university should focus on teaching skills for students' future employment, but others think university should only focus on students' academic study. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.09.19】Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefits of such a program outweigh any disadvantages?
【2015.09.26】Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school are useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.01.29】It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as South Pole. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?
【2015.02.07】Museums and historical sites are attracting more foreign tourists than local people. Explain what the reasons are and what can be done to attract more local people?
【2015.02.14】Some people believe the use of mobile phone in certain place is anti-social like smoking. So if smoking is banned in certain place, mobile should be banned as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.03.21】Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aids organizations draw the attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the problem less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
【2015.03.28】Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people's writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.04.30】How important it is for individuals and countries to think about future, rather than focusing on present?
【2015.05.16】Nowadays, people walk less and less in their daily life. What are the reasons of this situation? And what kind of methods you can use to solve this problem?
【2015.07.23】Some people store personal and private information online, including banking, contacts and addresses. Is it a positive or negative trend?
【2015.07.25】Some people believe sport is important in society,other people think sport is just a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.08.08】In many countries, more and more people have to travel long distances to work every day. Why is this case? What can be done to solve this problem?
【2015.10.10】Some people think there is now no need to see live performance (a show or a concert) because what we can see from TV or computer screens is better. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.10.24】Some people think that people should not use mobile phone in public places, but others think that people should be allowed to use mobile phones anywhere. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.12.05】Many people today believe that there is a general increase of anti-social behavior and a lack of respect for others. What are the reasons of this issue? What can be done to improve this?
【2015.12.12】If people go to live in a new country, they should follow local customs and traditions . To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.05.09】The governments should only spend on public services, but not waste on arts such as music and painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.10.31 】Some people say that everyone can create arts, but others think only the ones who are talented or have special skills can create arts. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.11.07】Some people believe news media today is more influential and this is a negative development. Do you agree or disagree?
【2015.01.17】Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
【2015.01.31】Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given to protect wild animals and birds. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
【2015.06.27】Some people think it is important to protect all wild animals, others believe it is important to protect some of the wild animals, not all of them. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
【2015.03.14】Working parents believe sending their children to a childcare center is better, since it provides the best service to look after their children. Others think sending children to other family members is better for growing up. What's your opinion?
【2015.04.11】Many old people want to get employed to compete with young people nowadays. What problem will it cause? How to solve?
【2015.07.04】Older generations have very traditional ideas about their ways to live, think and behave. Many people think it is not helpful in preparing young people for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.08.01】In some societies, the proportion of elderly people increased rapidly. Do you think the positive effects on societies outweigh the negative impacts?
【2015.09.12】In some cultures old-aged people are highly valued. While in some other cultures, people only value the youth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.11.21】Some say parents should be punished if their children break the law. Do you agree or disagree?
【2015.12.19】Children are experiencing increased educational, social and commercial pressure. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions?
由以上的总结可以看出来社会现象与发展还是最大的热门话题哦,考了14次之多!~ 烤鸭们你们懂得!赶紧准备起来吧!~ 其次也是大家非常熟悉的教育类话题,考了9次~ 还有一个值得大家关注和注意的点哦,那就是老人与育儿类,按照今年的这个考题趋势,以后成为大热话题也不为奇怪哦~
Agree & Disagree题型:11次
【2015.01.31】Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given to protect wild animals and birds. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
【2015.02.14】Some people believe the use of mobile phones in certain place is anti-social like smoking. So if smoking is banned in certain places, mobiles should be banned as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.03.28】Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people's writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.05.09】The governments should only spend on public services, but not waste on arts such as music and painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.06.13】Some people think that students who go to universities should pay tuition fees by themselves, because it only benefits their own but not the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.07.04】Older generations have very traditional ideas about their ways to live, think and behave. Many people think it is not helpful in preparing young people for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.07.11】Some people think it is no longer important to teach children the skill of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.10.10】Some people think there is now no need to see live performance (a show or a concert) because what we can see from TV or computer screens is better. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
【2015.11.07】Some people believe news media today is more influential and this is a negative development. Do you agree or disagree?
【2015.11.21】Some say parents should be punished if their children break the law. Do you agree or disagree?
【2015.12.12】If people go to live in a new country, they should follow local customs and traditions . To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Discuss both views and give your opinion 题型:11次
【2015.01.17】Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.03.21】Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aids organizations draw the attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the problem less important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.04.18】Some people think only the best students should be rewarded. Others say it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.05.30】Some people think computers and the internet are more important for children education than going to schools. However, others believe schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.06.27】Some people think it is important to protect all wild animals, others believe it is important to protect some of the wild animals, not all of them. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
【2015.08.29】Some people think that university should focus on teaching skills for students' future employment, but others think university should only focus on students' academic study. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.09.12】In some cultures old-aged people are highly valued. While in some other cultures, people only value the youth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.09.26】Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school are useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.07.25】Some people believe sport is important in society,other people think sport is just a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.10.24】Some people think that people should not use mobile phones in public places, but others think that people should be allowed to use mobile phones anywhere. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【2015.10.31 】Some people say that everyone can create arts, but others think only the ones who are talented or have special skills can create arts. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Reason an solution 题型:6次
【2015.02.07】Museums and historical sites are attracting more foreign tourists than local people. What are the reasons and what can be done to attract more local people?
【2015.04.11】Many old people want to get employed to compete with young people nowadays. What problem will it cause? How to solve?
【2015.05.16】Nowadays, people walk less and less in their daily life. What are the reasons of this situation? And what kind of methods you can use to solve this problem?
【2015.08.08】In many countries, more and more people have to travel long distances to work every day. Why is this case? What can be done to solve this problem?
【2015.12.05】Many people today believe that there is a general increase of anti-social behavior and a lack of respect for others. What are the reasons of this issue? What can be done to improve this?
【2015.12.19】Children are experiencing increased educational, social and commercial pressure. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions?
Advantages outweigh disadvantage 题型:4次
【2015.01.29】It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as South Pole. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?
【2015.02.28】Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?
【2015.08.01】In some societies, the proportion of elderly people increased rapidly. Do you think the positive effects on societies outweigh the negative impacts?
【2015.09.19】Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefit of such a program outweigh any disadvantages?
Combined question 题型:1次
【2015.06.06】More and more people want to study in universities; therefore the competition of going to university is increasing. Why do more people want to go to universities nowadays and do you think this increased competition is positive or negative?
Positive or negative 题型:1次
【2015.07.23】Some people store personal and private information online, including banking, contacts and addresses. Is it a positive or negative trend?
【2015.03.14】Working parents believe sending their children to a childcare center is better, since it provides the best service to look after their children. Others think sending children to other family members is better for growing up. What's your opinion?
【2015.04.30】How important it is for individuals and countries to think about future, rather than focusing on present?
所以哦~今年雅思A类大作文的大热题型还是Do you agree or disagree和discuss both views and give your opinion这两类题型哦,分别出现了11次之多!~ 童鞋们不要懒惰啦~这两种题型赶紧练起来,当然其他的题型也不能不管哦,比如Reason and solution这一类还是经常会考到的,烤鸭们在备考的时候要确保每一种题型都要知道如何应对!~
准备要在2016年考雅思的童鞋们一定要记得收藏2015年的大盘点噢~ 根据2015的盘点才能很好的预测2016年的趋势,帮助烤鸭们屠雅成功!!!感到迷茫的小伙伴们也不要着急,无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐能帮你解决所有雅思烦恼与困惑,欢迎各位亲爱的烤鸭们来电咨询哦!~
年底到了,对于烤鸭们来说最好的圣诞和新年礼物就是和雅思君分手,尽快凑满EOI所需要的65分或者70分~ 废话不多说,张榜时刻来了!!!
Qiang Chen L: 8, R: 9, W: 7, S: 7, Overall 8
Haoyang Yu L: 8, R: 7, W: 7, S: 7 Overall 7.5
Ruby: L: 8.5, R: 7.5, W: 8, S: 7 Overall: 8
Zhenyu Guo: L: 8.5, R: 9, W: 7, S: 7.5 Overall 8
Zewei Ye: L: 9, R: 8.5, W: 7, S: 7 Overall: 8
期待更多无忧学员的好成绩~ 无忧雅思圣诞7分班下周一即将开课,2015年105名学员通过雅思4个7,目标7分的小伙伴们赶紧联系无忧小雅哥和悉尼无忧雅思姐预定报名吧~
墨尔本无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts
悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts