许多烤鸭小伙伴们都向无忧小雅哥反应说考试时抽到了一个陌生的话题连中文都不知道怎么说更何况是英文呢!于是乎,希望无忧小雅哥能够多share一些口语的高分sample。说好的就一定要做到,“an important job”走起~ 小伙伴们收了吧,不谢
An important job
I personally think game developers <给出具体这个工作的名称,让考官知道你接下来要讲什么> in China are in demand and their jobs are considered to be very interesting and important. Actually a good friend of mine in China is a game developer. Game testers are highly qualified and computer graduates who have extensive knowledge on computer programming, graphics, animation<小伙伴们千万别IT skills哦,需要的是一些细节> and they all possess qualifications in IT and Computer Science.
I always wondered what the job is like and how people do it and finally a close friend of mine ended up being in a job like that! He is a game tester at a well-known respectable software company <此处千万不要famous,famous> in China. I have always loved video games and I guess this is the reason why I am so obsessed and excited about this job. <看看这些词句,想象一下,如果在考场上用出来了,是不是瞬间高大上!>
Game testers test computer, mobile and gaming device games. Nearly all game development companies need their games tested before they can actually release their games. A game tester’s main responsibility is to play video games and find any inconsistencies that they might have <once again, 细节是王道>.
I read about this career few years back on a computer magazine and later I saw a documentary on game testing on "Discovery" channel <口语想要拿高分,细节非常重要>. I am fascinated about the job mostly because it is interesting, challenging, creative, and way different compared to your average 9-5 job<这个表达可以学一学哦>, and offers lots of fun things and recreations. I sometimes search on Google to learn more about this job and find some enchanting facts and information about it.
Game testing does not involve getting paid for playing games; rather it is a much more challenging profession <千万别“job”all the time哦> that requires particular skill sets and talents. And for all these reasons this job seems very important to me because it provides entertainment for people especially young people.
其实雅思口语要考高分,尤其是7分以上,考前的准备是必不可少的。切记,准备不等于一字一句地把答案写下来,然后背诵,这样考场上会很不自然,也很容易被考官发现,从而扣分。无忧小雅哥建议大家可以把口语话题的关键字输入Google或者wiki中,毕竟everything is googleable!! 从native speakers的好的表达中摄取灵感总比自己打破脑袋的想要好吧~~
此外,无忧雅思官方号里收纳了上千条满分口语录音,绝对的口语备考神器,用过的都知道~ 小伙伴们赶紧输入“3000”试试吧!