
2015年01月20日 Seed读职场


如何在 cover letter 中
address key selection criteria
许多工作在递交申请的时候,会要求申请人 address key selection criteria 。这个 document 当中最典型的提问模式为:demonstrate that you have good communication 或者 describe a situation when you demonstrate leadership。面对这一类问题我们应该如何进行有效地回答呢?下面,小编将简单介绍一下一种最常见的回答模版 - STAR。STAR 模版给候选人提供了一个清晰明了的方式来阐述一个事实来证明你拥有某个 skill or knowledge。他广泛的应用于 key selection criteria 以及在面试中回答behavior questions。该模版的主要组成要素包括:
什么是 STAR 模板?
S: Situation
T: Task
A: Action
R: Result
Selection criteria: Excellent Planning and Organisational skills
I have developed excellent planning and organisational skills through my part-time job as an event assistant at Acme Events. In this role I am responsible for booking staff to set up marquees at private functions.
To perform this job I need to identify all jobs booked for that day; calculate how many staff will be needed to set up each event, and ensure that there is sufficient time to set up each event by the time required.
Recently, I had a problem with 2 staff members reporting in sick on the day of a big event. Fortunately, I had developed a back-up plan to cater for unexpected situations and I was able to call on unrostered staff to come into work.
As a result, there was no disruption to the setting up for the event, and my supervisor commended my actions in responding to the situation promptly and efficiently.

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