2015年05月21日 DNC澳洲求职
There’s only two ways you can approach job search: the hard way and the smart way.
Here are some differences between the two:
Applying for jobs with a poorly written resume that you spent hours working on (or money if you engaged a resume writer) and getting zero response.
Revamping your resume to make it reader friendly, impactful, and keyword optimized.
Tracking your job applications diligently.
Proactively following up with every single application instead of waiting around and blaming the bad economy.
Posting your resume on every single job board you can think of, including Gumtree (or your local classified ads). Think of it this way, if you see a girl’s dating profile on every single online dating platform out there, what would you think of that girl? Suddenly not so desirable after all, huh?
Being selective about where your resume is posted on.
Doing your homework and making sure you have control on who’s allowed to view your resume and access your personal details. You don’t want to get calls for irrelevant jobs, and you don’t want your resume to be sent out by recruiters without your permission.
Spamming your resume or announcing your unemployment status to your network or recruiters you come across. “I’m looking for a job, can you help me?” is one of the most annoying lines I get as a recruiter. Recruiters are not magicians who can pull any job you want out of their hats. Not only does this take a lot of effort, it is absolutely a waste of your time, your contact’s time and a recruiter’s time.
Choosing the right people to approach, crafting the right message and nurturing those relationships by adding value to their lives. For example, you can send them relevant articles or leave comments on their Linkedin posts.
Getting to know the good agency recruiters in your field, and networking with them.
Clicking the send button on your resume only when you have pre-qualified that person and that they would be in a position to help you in your job search, such as by referring you internally in their companies.
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今日起连载《 工作六年,我看会计求职》,作者James授权远大精英咨询发布