许多烤鸭小伙伴们对于”Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?”这类的题型都心有余悸,甚至不知如何下手。无忧小雅哥献上8+范文一篇,速速体会文章结构及语言的美感吧!~
2015.09.19 A类 Task 2 范文
Educationalists think that the programme of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefit of such a programme outweigh any disadvantages?
Given the increasingly globalized economy and importance of international relations, many have argued that foreign exchange programmes could benefit all teenage students, raising questions about the pros and cons of such programmes. Personally, despite the anxiety parents would experience, studying aboard can help students to become more culturally aware and independent.
【在开头第一段作者paraphrase the topic—国际交流访问到底对青少年有没有好处,并且简单的给出了这一趋势的两个原因:日益国际化的经济和国际关系的重要性。第二句直接用Personally提出自己的观点,尽管家长们对孩子出国会感到焦虑,但是出国留学可以让青少年更了解文化和自我独立。】
First of all, it must be conceded that sending students abroad causes parents to worry. Irrespective of the fact that parents cannot protect their children completely, whether from negative influences or from harm, it seems to be human nature for parents to worry about their children. That worry can only increase when sending a child away to a foreign land, where people from another culture will look after and impart their views, beliefs and customs on that child. I can still remember my mother crying as I left for Australia, and I was a grown man; I can only imagine the stress that would come from sending a teenager abroad.
【正文第一段首先让步承认青少年出国学习确实会让家长感到担忧,接着说明这是担忧孩子会受到负面因素影响是家长的天性。最后用I can still remember引出自己的亲身经历,作为一个例子去support作者这一段的观点。】
Regardless of that stress, studying abroad opens up students to different viewpoints and ways of life. Studying in a multicultural environment allows students to see the world from a different perspective, where different cultures can share their views and ideas about the way the world works. Speaking from personal experience, working on a project with students from different countries allowed me to understand the different business customs in those countries. I now know that business is typically done over dinner and drinks in China, and gift giving is a regular practice, whereas such behaviour may be frowned upon in Western culture.
Moreover, leaving the nest to study abroad can also help students to become more independent. Once again relying on personal experience, I seldom cooked food when I lived in the China, but I am now capable of cooking a variety of meals, using a variety of cooking techniques. The practical skills that teens can pick up when moving abroad need not be limited to cooking either, they might learn any number of things, like money management skills, how to find accommodation or simply how to do laundry.
In conclusion, when considering the potential benefits of more culturally aware and self-reliant students, it seems that the benefits of international exchange programmes for students far outweigh any strife caused to parents.
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