许多烤鸭们的写作分数都徘徊在6.5分左右,迟迟到不了7分,有时候竟然还会跌回5.5或者6分。最可怕的是,大部分的烤鸭们却还不知道这些分数背后的原因是什么!~ 今天无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐就给大家一些非常实用的Hints, 在写大作文的时候有4件事是必须要完成的,有4件事是万万不可做的!~ 烤鸭们速速收藏哦!~
Answer the question—read the question carefully and do exactly what it asks you to do. You can then make a plan to help you order your ideas before you start to write.
我们烤鸭们首先要做的是:回答问题!!!只有fully address all parts of the task才能在Task Response这一项上拿到理想的分数哦!~其次也不要忘了一个好的提纲能够很好地帮助我们整理写作的思路~
Use an appropriate structure. There are several different types of question that you need to learn and they all have different structures.
大作文有好几种不同的题型,题目中的问法不同,作文的结构也是不一样的~ 烤鸭们要保证自己会写每一种结构哦~
Most questions ask you what your opinion is about a certain topic. If they do, make sure you make your opinion very clear throughout your essay.
保证自己的观点清晰,要考官一读就能明白你的意思~ 并且一篇文章的观点从头至尾都要保持一致,不能互相矛盾哦~
Keep it simple. The examiners know you only have 40 minutes and do not expect a masterpiece. Don’t over think it. Often the best answers are the simplest ones.
越简单越好,考官不可能期盼在40分钟的时间里烤鸭们能发挥出莎士比亚的水平~ 观点清晰,逻辑顺畅才是高分王道~
Don’t show off. You are being marked on vocabulary and grammar but that does not mean you should try to use very complicated words. If you are not 100% sure, don’t use them.
不要用一些大词和非常复杂的词,因为这些词用在你的文章中不一定是合适的哦!~ 如果你对这个词没有把握,干脆就别用。
You should never try to memorise or copy answers. Your grammar and vocabulary will be good but you will not have answered the question.
永远不要用模板!!!这个是无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐强调了无数遍的话哦~ 考官一旦发现有用模板的嫌疑,是肯定不会给高分的~
Don’t overuse words like “moreover”, “however” and “nowadays”. You can use these but they should not be in every sentence. If you look at a Band 9 answer they are rarely used.
以上这些词偶尔用用是没问题的~ 但是如果通篇都是“however”这类词,就不太好了哦~
Never write a sentence without a purpose. Each sentence has a job to do in an essay. If it doesn’t have a purpose, leave it out.
文章中的每一句话都必须有它存在的意义!~ 它可以是topic sentence,可以是topic sentence的展开和延伸,可以是例子~ 如果这句话是毫无意义的,那就别写了~
烤鸭们千万不要忽视这些细节哦~ 它们直接关联着我们大作文的分数,只有把以上这些至关重要的细节做好了,我们的分数才能UP UP UP!!!~~~
墨尔本无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts
悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts