经过近一周的【抗高温】墨尔本今晚开始降温了 :),无忧小雅哥提醒烤熟的烤鸭小伙伴们,今晚起至明日降温>=20度,请明日有考试的童靴们注意晚上别贪凉,并且明日早晨注意吃些清淡且卫生的食物,下午有口语考试的小朋友也注意午餐的时间安排与质量。有闺蜜或者基友明日要【灭雅思】也请您转发或分享给他们,无忧小雅哥在此拜谢并祝大家明天口语碰到8分好老太。好了,我们言归正传,明日雅思口语考 Weather/City 题的概率奇高,被热浪“虐”了那么几天了大伙儿们请尽情吐槽 (大多考官忍不住的刚见面寒暄时候或者Part1时问道请产生共鸣)
~~哼哼哈兮 ~ 快使用下列词汇 :)
Heatwave chaos 热浪混沌
Hit 44 degrees
原句:Melbourne’s public transport system could face another day of chaos with temperatures forecast to hit 44 degrees on Friday.
Temperature soars into the mid-40s
原句:Metro urged commuters to leave work early as the temperature soared into the mid-40s on Thursday.
Extreme temperatures
原句:Many trains and tram services cancelled or delayed because of the extreme temperatures.
Battle/beat the heat
原句:approve extra staff to help battle the heat/
Lift temperatures
原句:An urban heat island is lifting city-centre temperatures.
Temperature variations of up to 4 digress
原句:Melbourne city council has found temperature variations of up to 4 degrees between city center and suburbs.
Heat-absorbing materials
原句:It said the heat island was caused by the prevalence in cities of heat-absorbing materials.
Heat-related deaths
原句:The report estimated that Melbourne had the highest annual average number of heat-related deaths.
Trap and store heat like a “baking oven”
原句:professor XX said cities trapped and stored heat like a “baking oven”.
Searing temperature
原句:Searing temperatures on court could affect the future of the Australian open.
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