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云聊澳洲美麟Archwood Residences展厅特别版回顾
新州前副州长:Andrew Stoner
Registeres Migration Agent:Cecil
ASSA执行总裁:Jun He
美麟悉尼总经理:Patric Chen

Q1(JUN): We all know the immigration policy is going to be harder and harder if we review from the last 15 years till now. So What will happen to the immigration policy?A(Cecil): I think the COVID has disrupted the immigration programs significantly and badly disrupted a lot of students who were due to start their studies this year or continue their studies went home for New Year, went home to China and they couldn’t get back because of the travel restrictions. But they are starting to talk about creating a corridor for students to come back. So students will be able to come back. Not every student but they will start with a few hundred, do two weeks of quarantine, and then integrate back into the university into their studies. And I think by the end of the year, the universities and the Australian government will have found a way, to make that possible. But in terms of immigration more generally, the program is definitely disrupted by COVID. There are thousands and thousands of applications in the system. The government is processing them very, very slowly. But I can tell you with immigration there is always a way.
So, for example, if somebody comes over here and studies a degree in… engineering, let’s say. And they get to the end of the degree, and you know, at that moment in time the pathway for engineers is not good, there’s always another way. You and I have worked together now on the 188b visa. So for me, international students who are in Australia already, and are finishing their degree, if there’s not a pathway, say, through general skills, through 485 or 189 or 190. Cause I think those are going to be shut down for quite a while. They should be looking at options like 188b, which will create a really attractive alternative for them. The other thing is that the business innovation visas, the 188 visas, all the 188 visas, and the 132e, my understanding is that the government is going to give these more priority than they gave them previously. And the reason they’re going to do this is because those migrants are coming with money, they’re coming with business experience, they’re coming with business relationships back in their home country. And the Australian government is very keen to make it as quick and as easy as possible for those kinds of migrants to get to Australia. The 188e’s we did together, you see how quickly those went. And that is an example of how the Australian government is very keen to…to facilitate immigration. So there’s always a way. If the student can’t come a traditional way, not every time, but often we can find an alternative pathway for them.
A(Andrew): I agree 100% with Cecil on this. Bear in mind that Australia is a country that’s geographically very large, but actually has a relatively small population of only around 25 million people. So there’s a lot of room for more migration to occur in Australia. And in fact, you know, Australia as a nation actually has a history of being built on migration. So migration’s not going to go away. But what will happen is that the government will focus on, what I would call ‘high value’ migrants, to our nation. And particularly at this time. At this time the federal treasurer just gave the outline of the state of the finances of the Australian government. And there is a massive deficit looming in the federal budget as we speak. Er..we have growing unemployment. This is high around the world. So this will, I think focus the government, as Cecil mentioned on those basic categories which are going to be very positive for the Australian economy and help with the active onward recovery of post-COVID-19. So you know, as Cecil says, the investment categories, the business categories, and the innovation categories, in particular the 188e with which we’ve worked together, and you know we’ve made great inroads there. And in fact, from my observation, this team around the 188e will be leading the cutting edge here in at least New South Wales, if not Australia. So there are opportunities. The government’s never going to move away from having migration. But it will focus very much on skills, on business connections, on investment. The things that are really going to help the Australian economy.A(Cecil): I think that the Australian government recognizes the value of the international student ‘economy’ if you like. International students bring a lot of money to this country. Not only in terms of education, but in terms of all of the other things that they do. They buy homes, they buy properties, many of them start businesses. And I think that the federal government realizes the value. And they don’t want to lose that. So, I can’t say with any degree of certainty, but they may say ‘Ok if you’ve studied in Australia, and you finished your degree in Australia, we will still try to facilitate some kind of immigration outcome for you. The 188e may be one of the options. But I can’t say for sure, but it would seem logical, that if you want to encourage those young people to come and stay here and bring so much money with them to Australia, that you would facilitate some kind of immigration outcome for them. In advance of the engineer who’s coming from America, who has nothing, he has a good degree and good qualifications. But I think for the students they just might make it a little bit easier because it makes good economic sense for Australia.Q2(JUN): What kind of policy is going to be changed in a business Visa?A(Cecil): I don’t think the actual policy is going to change. I think there has been a review of the business visa program, that was pre-COVID. But now with COVID and the financial shock that's in the world, I think the government will probably keep the…the requirements for these visas the same. But I understand from my discussions with the government that they’re about to be much more ‘user-friendly’ if you like, towards business visa applicants than they have been in the past. They’re going to get quicker consideration, quicker outcomes. you know, some people are waiting 2,3,4 years for a visa to be processed. My understanding is that the Australian government is putting a lot more resources into that part of the department of home affairs that is assessing these applications. To try and get better outcomes quicker, because of the high value of business migrants to Australia and to the economic recovery that Australia wants to achieve. And, they perceive that business migration will help a lot with economic recovery. And so, I think it’s going to be a very good outcome. That is how I understand the government is going to approach it. And I think you’re going to hear very soon. I think within the next few weeks you will hear that the government is prioritizing those particular visas 188a,b,c,e 132a, not so sure about 132b maybe we’re not sure yet but I think 132b might become not so popular. But all the others. And especially the 188e and the 188c are going to be...Q3(JUN): Some people in AU always think about one thing which is we do not know what gonna be happen in the future, because the Covid-19 may cause some negative influence. So will the development government decrease the price to sell the fancy townhouse or apartment quickly or they just keep the property for 5 years? What exact situation will happen? And now developer need the land to do the developments, is it hard for the developer to buy the lands?A(Patric): It is very hard. During the Virus, For me, I do not think the land price will be cheaper and our cost will go down. Actually, the land price is going up. So in my opinion, it is impossible the land price will go down. And the cost will go up because the material had to import from China or oversea countries. The government gives some good policy for us that makes our sale job easier. The home build policy and for the first buyer, they can spend less cost on the market. In New South Wales, the property end 60k would be more popular. For the first buyers would also be easier to get to market. So the policy (buyer bonus) is good news for everyone. The government will speed up the time to approve DA.., that is a very big help for us. In my Perspective, the price will be going up. Because the land & the material are going up.
A(Andrew): From my observation, the impact of the COVID on the property market varies quite differently across Australia. For example, in Sydney, as we’ve already heard, the prices are staying quite strong. Particularly in certain segments. in some of the other capital cities in Australia, for example, Darwin, Brisbane, and Perth. The values have dived I think Melbourne is starting to go down a little, on average. I’m coming to you from a regional center in New South Wales, on the coast where the market is very strong at the moment. And I think it’s because a lot of people have realized that they don’t need to live and work in the cities anymore. A lot of employers are happy for people to work from home, so instead of battling the M5 or the M2 commute to go into the city in Sydney, a lot of people are looking to get into regional centers. You know as we’ve already heard regional universities and places like Newcastle. Those markets are very, very strong. So we see some continuing growth depending where you happen to be. You know, we’re seeing some declines depending where you happen to be. I’ve seen at least there’s some very good opportunities for astute, clever property investors.
