一群澳洲普通医学生和上班族, 发起募捐购买预防物资送到武汉

2020年01月29日 微澳洲






GOFUNDME捐款链接:http://gf.me/u/xfgn9j  或点击文末原文链接


Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected some FAQs from concerned donors.


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1. How long would it take for the mask to reach there?

1. 口罩需要多长时间可以运送到武汉?

A: Currently we are using Australian medical equipment suppliers, and we have confirmed that our major supplier will be McFarlane as well as the pricing, while due to funding and the long weekend reason, the delivery will start from, at the earliest, next week. The most up-to-date shipping information we received is that the AusPost can resume delivering approximately mid next week due to the long weekend, and Chinese delivery will resume delivering next Wednesday (Jan 29th) due to the Chinese New Year, yet because of current limitations of delivery to Wuhan we are still unsure about the exact timing, but we are actively contacting the company and will keep our donors up to date.

A:我们会从澳大利亚医疗产品供应商进货并发往国内,目前我们的主要供货商已确定为 McFarlane 公司并已确认好价格,不过由于资金及长周末原因,我们的货品最早于下周开始寄送。目前我们得到的最新运输消息表明,AusPost 由于长周末原因最早能在下周周中将货品发出;中国的快递公司由于中国新年会在年后(下周三/1 月 29 日)恢复配送,但是由于目前武汉物流受到严格管控,具体时间仍然待定,不过我们也在积极联系中澳快递公司,具体消息我们会及时更新。

2. Which “local” do you mean?

2. 你们指的“当地”是什么意思?

A: By “local” medical equipment we meant PPE supplied by Australian local medical suppliers, and we have just confirmed their inventory; by “local” hospitals we are talking about shipping our equipment to Wuhan Union Hospital and possibly other Wuhan hospitals that have high demands on PPE.


3. Are you guys going to obtain supplies from China or import from Australia?

3. 你们会从澳大利亚还是中国进货?

A: Refer to question 1.

A: 详见问题1。

4. Shouldn’t local Chinese mask suppliers be already helping?

4. 中国口罩厂家是否已经在援助武汉疫情?

A: Not only the mask suppliers been already helping, other PPE suppliers are helping as well due to government and humanity reasons. However, even though they are helping, the demand is still exceeding the supply, hence we are trying to strive for more supplies to maybe help a little. Lastly, as mentioned above, our team will keep our donors up to date, thank you for your contribution!




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