又到求职季! 准备去Local公司? or准备回国找工作?不知道投递了简历的公司行业排名怎么样?今天和小编来一起看看权威的Vault排名吧~ 本期Vault Ranking是关于大家都十分感兴趣的Accounting领域,原来除了四大还有这么多好公司呢! Vault Accounting 30This VAULT ACCOUNTING 30 is compiled using a weighted formula that reflects the issues accounting professionals care most about, combining quality of life rankings (such as culture, satisfaction, work/life balance, and compensation) with overall prestige. Vault Accounting 30 Survey MethodologyPrestige 声望 (40%)Firm culture 事务所文化 (20%)Work-life balance 工作与生活的平衡 (10%)Compensation 薪酬回报 (10%)Overall job satisfaction 整体工作满意度 (10%)Business outlook 商业前景 (5%)Formal Training 正式培训 (5%)