澳洲移民协会MigrationInstitute of Australia (以下简称“MIA”)于2016年2月23日正式证实,“
PAM 相当于移民局内部的指南,是移民局的内部解释,不是移民法案,
历经多月揣测,MIA终于于昨日正式证实,PAM3: Genuine Position标准的提升是为了明确雇主担保的目的:
Utilising 457visas for self sponsorship
The use of the 457 program to self sponsor haseffectively been closed by the addition in the 21 November 2015 stackupdate of the following policy statement:
Positioncreated to secure a migration outcome (PAM3: GenuinePosition)
The intentof the 457 program is to enable Australian businesses to temporarily fill shortterm skill shortages with overseas workers when they cannot find a suitablyqualified or experienced Australian citizen or permanent resident to fill theposition. Theprogram is not intended to be used for non-citizens to establish a business inAustralia and self-sponsor themselves; there are other visa pathways availablefor such purposes.