在土澳生活多年的烤鸭们~是不是都有相同的困扰,虽然读书上课啥的全是英文,平时买买东西也是English,但还是一看到歪果仁心里就忐忑,根本不知道该怎么跟开始一段正常的对话。今天,无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐就来和大家说一说,聊天的技巧。其实不光光是和老外聊天,和中国人聊天也是需要技巧的!!!不会聊天的朋友们赶快把这干货收入囊中吧~How to start a conversation?这个对很多具有生活经验的同学来说根本不是问题,不就是搭讪么~有何难?无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐友情提醒大家,在开始一段对话时,千万不要问太过于personal的话题,(比如说,美女,有没有男朋友,这种老套的搭讪方式,已经out拉!)否则双方都很尴尬!“Excuse me, do you have the time?” or “Do you know what time it is?”“Hi. Is this seat taken?” if the answer is “no”, then you can follow up with “Do you mind if I sit here?”“Pardon me. Do you know what time this place (可以用咖啡馆、餐馆的名字填空) closes?”以上这些问题好是很好啦,但是如何再深入下去呢?难道问个时间就结束啦?其实,我们可以显得更有修养,那怎么做呢?当然是表扬别人啦,世界上有什么人会讨厌被人夸的呢?“That is a really nice [hat]. Can I ask where you got it?”妹子们可以借鉴一下,话说,女生们的友谊好像都是这么开始的“I really like your [shoes]. Did you get them near here?”“That’s a cool looking [phone]. Is it easy to use?”好了,在成功开始一段对话以后,我们该怎么做来maintain这个对话呢?否则,就变成了下面的模式:要避免对话终结者,最重要的是要学会如何展开一个话题。就像上面的问饭店地址,接下去我们可以问是不是离这里很近呀?之类的问题、“Is that store near here?”“Was it good value?” (Try to avoid asking for specific monetary amounts of items like “How much did it cost?” as that can be considered rude)“Do they have other colours available?”“The reason I asked is because I’ve been thinking about replacing my phone.”“I’ve been looking for a hat like that to give to my friend.”“Yeah, the shoes I have are getting worn out. It’s time to get a new pair.”是不是一下子两人之间的距离就拉近了呢?当然,千万不要忘了谢谢别人哦`“Thanks for the suggestion.”“I appreciate the information.”“Thank you. That was really helpful.”照理说,聊天聊到这儿就差不多挺久可以准备结束了,但是如果你还想继续的话该怎么办呢?就到第三步咯~Extending the conversation with more questions如果在经历以上两个阶段,聊天还是很愉快地在进行的话,那我们就要考虑一下要不要再延长一下对话了~记住,一定要注意一下对方是不是也很愉快哦,单方面的自我感觉良好是没有用哒~“Are you from this area?”“So, what do you do for a living?”“What brings you here today?”“Do you come here a lot?”以上这些问题中的任意一个,你都可以好好利用、借题发挥,变成另外一大段对话哦~要知道,单方面的聊天是很不讨喜的!一定要适时地询问对方意见,让ta involve到聊天中~“I don’t know. What do you think?”“Has that been your experience too?”“Has that ever happened to you?”“Why do you think that is (the case)?”“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”一旦对方也打开了话匣子,which means你为这段对话打开了一个新世界,你的修炼又到了一个新的境界!知道何时是适当的结束是现代人的必备技能之一!当这段对话结束以后,留给大家的遐想就在于以后何时,或以哪一种方式继续保持联系。你可以说,咱们俩礼拜后接着聊之类的,让对方知道你对这个谈话也非常有兴趣,也很感激别人花时间陪你讲话。参考的句子有:“Well, if you ever want to chat again, I’m usually here [every Monday afternoon].”“Let me give you my email address. If you’re ever in the area again it’d be great to meet up.”“Feel free to call me if you want to hang out. Here, I’ll give you my number.” “I really enjoyed our chat. Thanks so much.”“It was really nice meeting you.”“I had a great time talking with you. Hope to see you again soon.”好啦,一次聊天的愉快就这么结束了。同学们是不是都心痒痒了呢?下周一大部分学校都正式开学啦~还不赶快试试,说不定本学期的第一节tutorial就收获了一枚小伙伴呢~Again,有什么问题随时欢迎来咨询我们无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐哦~
无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts
悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts