The leaderor director of organizations are often elder people. But some people believethat young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree to disagree?
Organizations require a strong leader inorder to succeed in the complex and competitive environment of the modern economy. More often thannot, an older more experienced person is in charge of running a company,but some have put forth their belief that age does not determine who is a capableleader. I completely agree thatyoung people can be great leaders, as history isfilled with them.
【more often than not 这个词组大家可以摘录下来哦!是“多半,经常”的意思。Put forth their believe在这里用来代替state、believe这类代表指出观点的词。】
Firstly,innovationcan be the key to being a great leader. Companies and organizations in today’seconomy require a competitive advantage that can help them to dominate the marketplaceand outperformcompetitors. While experience canhelp achieve that, new and creative ideas can also create lasting advantages forbusinesses. For example, Bill Gates andSteve Jobs transformedthe world with their ideas, going on to be exceptional leaders for decades,and they started as young men who both dropped out of college.
【首先,想要做一个great leader,innovation是很重要的。作者用了Bill Gates和SteveJobs这两个为世人所熟知的例子,来support年轻人也可以做好一个leader的观点。】
Moreover,younger people can have a better idea of how to fulfil holes in current marketofferings. Most people acknowledge a growing generational gap due torapid advances in technology. For that reason,younger people may have a better idea on how to cater to new generations of technologicallysavvy kids, whereas
the proven methods of decades past may nolonger be viableoptions. Communication and networking is onesuch example, where as a young collegestudent, Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook, which has now grown intoan enormous publically traded company, all before Zuckerberg has reached hismid-30s.
In conclusion,businesses in today’s economy can succeed in a number of ways. Innovationand recognition of unfulfilled needs are but two possibilities, and age plays no rolein determining if a person can successfully start, grow and run an organizationas its leader.
【2015.01.17 A类阅读】今天A类阅读第一篇是关于铅笔的历史,第二篇是新冰河时代,第三篇是关于新西兰一个作家~ 第二篇New Ice Age是无忧雅思阅读机经的第32篇!~看过预测,看过机经原文的同学们爽翻了!~
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「☆小作文☆」Line Graph, Sales of three types of books: Adults fiction, Children books, educational books, from 2002-2006.
「☆大作文☆」Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
雅思直播2015.01.17参与直播回复 「21」
考完口语神清气爽!!!还在论坛上占了沙发,不能更开心!!!先来点回忆造福大众:Part 1 name, study, reading;Part 2 describe a historical place 貌似在口语机经上看过,我考前也准备了的。不难不难。我说的是墨尔本的Royal Exhibition Building,是历史遗产呢!!!大家真的不用太紧张~好好加油,我也希望这次口语过7,和雅思君快快分手!
今天真的好运气!!!Part 2直接出了准备过的机经,不能更开心更开心!!!今天在Hawthorn,男考官,全程很和善,不打断。赶紧上回忆:1. name,tree,music; 2. something interesting you’ve learnt from Internet 就是上周10号考试后出的题,我精心准备了。今天考试碰到了,是不是应该去买彩票?最后一部分基本上是围绕Internet能学到东西吗,你怎么看online learning这些问题,我都是结合自己的学生经验去说的,基本没有被打断,自己也没断过。希望口语破7上7.5!!!
RMIT,白人女考官,语速适中,能全部听懂。不过感觉不是很和善,有点冷淡。趴万 hometown, cloth;趴兔 a person you know who is good at cooking 也是准备过的题,我说的是我外婆,会烧很多家常菜。我还说了外婆的一些烧菜的故事。感觉考官的表情比较愉悦在这一段的时候。第三趴的问题太多了,我只记得几个,一个是为人父母是不是一定要会烧菜?还有自己在家cooking好还是出去吃饭好之类的。Anyway,今天感觉还可以,希望可以上6.
希望这是最后一次。Part 1 name, house, tree 还比较常规,回答的还可以。Part 2 a good service from a shop 真的是人品差,碰到最难的题目了。。。最后一部分问了好多问题,有一个我还有点印象,说是你觉得一家店的服务重要还是装潢这样的环境重要?唉,好多词想不出来怎么说。后面的筒子引以为戒。。。雅思微信里有推送这条题目的思路大家快去看看。
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