2015.09.12 A Task 2 Sample Essay
In some cultures old-aged people are highly valued. While in some other cultures, people only value the youth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
【看到这个题目,也差不多是醉了。这要怎么写呀?什么老的年轻的,还要discuss both view,构思Idea真的不简单!但是需要提醒大家的是,这道题目的解题,有个小入口,那便是Highly 和Only。能破了这两个词,idea也就如滚滚江水,源源不断的涌来了!~】
There have been countless debates about the value of the experience that comes with age versus the energy that comes with youth, and many cultures tend to pick one side. Personally, I think both the elderly and the youth should be valued for their respective merits.
【看看人家这词句,第一句就改写成… Versus…, 瞬间就把两个观点写进了句子里,高大上有木有!~所以,大家完全可以把这种句型给摘抄下来, 下次也用在自己的范文中!~pick one side这个词,其实完全可以代替someone argue/believe/state这类词句哦!~档次立马就上去了!】
On one hand, the experience that comes with age is often helpful when addressing problems. With age comes experience, as the older a person is, the more difficulties they have faced, the more challenges they have over come, and the more adversity they have dealt with. Having dealt with more adversity, the elderly have the ability to handle situations by using a bank of experience to fall back on. For instance, Warren Buffett used his experience to actually thrive and build wealth during the Global Financial Crisis.
【这个段落,主要讲的,就是为什么older people会被highly valued。Adversity, handle situations, a bank of experience, thrive and build wealth这类词,完全可以被摘抄入你的摘抄本,日积月累,词汇表达真的可以提高哦!~】
On the other hand, young people often offer more innovative solutions. While the elderly rely on experience and proven methods to address issues, young people often have to figure out how to accomplish goals while building experience. Without a previous bank of knowledge, young people find new ways of doing things and new ideas. Facebook, for example, changed the way people interact with each through social networking after being created by a then college-aged Mark Zuckerberg.
【另一方面,without a previous bank of knowledge, 对应之前的老年人,这段大致讲的是young people。年轻人的长处,便是他们的innovation。那么在摘抄本里,address issues, offer innovative solutions, a then college-aged也应该被记录下来哦!~】
When considering which of these to value most, I believe society needs both youth and age. Not every problem can be addressed in the same, particularly on the macro scale, where governments must make decisions that affect millions. Having wisdom and experience alongside exuberance and youth can allow multiple viewpoints to be considered when addressing large-scale problems. Addressing climate change may well require innovate ideas, but experience may prove useful in know what works and what doesn’t when addressing economic issues.
In conclusion, I believe that societies should value both young and old people, because they both bring different strengths, particularly experience from the elderly and innovation from the youth.