
2016年10月05日 au-news


Ace Up one's Sleeve:小猫腻,小手腕
I don't know how Zoey is going to get her mom to buy her a bike, but I'm sure she has an ace up her sleeves.

Achilles' Heel :弱点,要害,不足
I'm an A student in math and science, but English is my Achilles' heel.

 Add Fuel to the Fire:火上浇油
I was already angry with you, and when you forgot to pick me up, that really added fuel to the fire.

Air one's Dirty Laundry in Public:家丑外扬;自揭其短
My upstairs neighbours fight a lot and air their dirty laundry in public.

  All Ears: 洗耳恭听
You said you had something important to tell me. I'm all ears!

All Thumbs:笨手笨脚
I’m all thumbs when it comes to Origami. I’m terrible at it!




Apple of one's Eye:掌上明珠,挚爱
Her granddaughter is the apple of her eye.

Asleep at the switch: 错过时机, 玩忽职守
Zoey lost her job because she was asleep at the switch.

At the end of one's rope:走头无路,没有其它的选择
I’m at the end of my rope with these kids!

Ax to Grind:有私心;另有企图
She's only doing it out of kindness - she has no particular axe to grind.



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