
2020年07月20日 移民百分百BBMS

澳洲移民局近期放出了对未来移民政策及走向的 Q & A




 Q&A – Migration Program Planning andDelivery

1.What impact has COVID-19 had on the delivery of the Migration Program? 疫情对新一财政年度移民规划的实施有哪些影响?

·       Migration continues to make substantial contributionsto Australia’s economic prosperity, national wellbeing and social cohesion. 移民继续为澳大利亚的经济繁荣,国民福祉和社会凝聚力做出重大贡献

·       The Australian Government is closely monitoringmigration and visa settings to ensure they are consistent with public healthmeasures, are flexible and do not displace job opportunities for Australians sothat Australia can deal with the immediate and post recovery impacts ofCOVID-19. 澳大利亚政府正在密切关注移民和签证的设置,以确保它们与公共卫生措施相一致,具有灵活性并且不会取代澳大利亚人的工作机会,以便澳大利亚能够及时应对疫情中及后期的影响。

·       COVID-19 has had significant impacts on the Departmentof Home Affairs’ operations.疫情已经对内政部产生了重大影响

o  Healthrestrictions implemented in Australia and many other countries have disruptedthe Department’s visa processing services; and 签证审理服务被包括澳大利亚的许多的国家及地区的健康限制措施所打乱

o  Travel bansimplemented around the world to manage health risks limit arrivals of temporaryand permanent migrants to Australia. 世界范围内实施的旅行禁令限制了临时和永久居民的入境

·        Australia’smigration settings are designed to be flexible and respond to changingcircumstances, such as COVID-19. 澳大利亚的移民宗旨需要及时应对不断变化的形式,例如这次新冠疫情

o  The ongoingimpacts of the pandemic worldwide, both medically, socially and economically,will have a significant influence on the shape of Australia’s Migration Programgoing forward. 这次新疫情的全球大流行在医学,社会和经济上的持续影响将对澳大利亚未来移民计划的形成产生重大影响

o  Migrationpolicies must be carefully calibrated to provide employment opportunities forAustralians, support critical industries, and position Australia’s economicrecovery. 必须认真调整移民政策,以为澳大利亚人提供就业机会,支持关键产业,并以澳大利亚的经济复苏为定位。


·       COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the MigrationProgram. 新冠大流行对移民计划产生了巨大影响

o  The Governmentmust ensure that migration settings support Australia post recovery from theimpacts of COVID-19, and in doing so, the livelihood of Australians who becomeunemployed as the economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis deepen also needs tobe prioritised. 政府必须确保移民环境支持澳大利亚从疫情的影响中恢复过来,并且同时还应优先考虑因疫情危机进而失业的澳大利亚人的生计。



2.What impact has COVID-19 had on Net Overseas Migration? 疫情对净海外移民(NOM)的影响?

·       Border closures have had a significant impact on netoverseas migration. 边境关闭对海外移民影响深远

o  In comparison tonet overseas migration (NOM) for the 2018-19 year, NOM is expected to fall by30 per cent in 2019-20 and even further in 2020-21. 2018-19年度的海外净移民(NOM)相比,预计NOM2019-20年度将下降30%,甚至在2020-21年度进一步下降。


·       The Migration Program can change to respond tochanging circumstances. 移民计划会因情况不同而产生更改


3.What is the Government doing to ensure the visa system supports COVID-19response and economic recovery? 政府采取了什么手段来确保签证系统正确的应对疫情及经济复苏?

·       Protecting the health of Australians during the globalpandemic is the Australian Government’s priority. Borders will only re-open ata time and in a manner that is safe, guided by health advice, and with secureborder arrangements in place. 政府首要任务是在这次疫情中保护澳大利亚人民的健康。只有在安全建议,健康建议的指导下,并且在安全的边界安排到位的情况下,边界才会一次重新开放。

·       A carefully calibrated migration program is animportant part of Australia’s economic recovery and will create jobs and bringinvestment to help Australia rebound from COVID-19. 精准的移民计划是澳大利亚经济复苏的重要组成部分,它将创造就业机会并带来投资,以帮助澳大利亚从疫情中反弹。

o  Migration will bea key component of Australia’s economic recovery. 移民将是澳大利亚经济复苏的关键组成部分

·       To date, the Government has shown a commitment toprotecting the health of Australians, supporting businesses and jobs, andsecuring food supply while we combat COVID-19. 至今为止,澳大利亚政府已经履行并执行了保护澳大利亚人健康,支持生意和工作以及确保食品供应的承诺。

·       The Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship,Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs has made a series of announcementsin relation to: 代理移民,公民,移民服务和多元文化事务大臣宣布了一系列措施包括针对

o  temporary visaholders; 临时签证持有人

o  visa options tosupport the agriculture sector; and 支持农业部门的签证选择,以及

o  student visa workconditions. 学生签证的打工条款

·       Information is available at https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/staying-australia具体细则请访问链接


·       The Government is closely monitoring migration andvisa settings to ensure they continue to support public health measures andcritical industries. 政府正在密切监视移民和签证的设置,以确保它们继续支持公共卫生措施和关键行业




·       Carefully targeted migration for skilled workers whocreate jobs will help in Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. 为创造就业机会的熟练工人进行有针对性的移民,这将有助于澳大利亚的经济从疫情中复苏



4. When will the Government announce the size and thecomposition for the 2020-21 Migration Program? 20-21年度移民规模什么时候会宣布?

·      Inthe COVID-19 recovery period, migration will be a key component of Australia’seconomic recovery. 在后疫情恢复阶段,移民是澳洲经济复苏不可或缺的部分。

·       The Australian Government isconsidering how best to shape the Migration Program to drive economic growthand support job creation during this post recovery phase. 澳洲政府考虑怎样以移民计划在后疫情恢复期中,来帮助经济增长以及创造更多就业机会。

o  Thiswill take into consideration the economic conditions in Australia, future skillneeds, changes in the labour market and the population objectives of states andterritories. 这将包含对澳大利亚的经济状况,未来的技能需求,劳动力市场的变化以及各州和领地的人口目标的考虑

·        Until otherwise advised, the existing 2019-20Migration Program settings will continue to remain in place. This means the2020-21 planning ceiling will be retained at 160,000 places, the level set forthe 2019-20 Migration Program. 目前移民配额仍按照19-20年度的十六万标准实行。

·        This includes: 这包含

o  108,682places for the Skill stream. 108,682的技术移民

o  47,732places for the Family stream. 47,732的家庭类移民

o  236places for the Special Eligibility stream. 236的特殊资格类

o  3,350places for Child visas 3,350的子女类

5. Will States and Territories be given any nominations inthe 2020-21 Migration Program, or are the State/Territory skilled nominatedprograms and Business Innovation and Investment Program closed indefinitely? 是否会在2020-21年移民计划中给各州和领地任何提名,还是无限期关闭州/领地的技能提名计划和商业创新与投资计划?

·       The State and Territory nominatedvisa programs will play an important part in Australia’s economic recovery andcontinue to be a part of the Migration Program. 州和领地提名的签证计划将在澳大利亚的经济复苏中发挥重要作用,并将继续成为移民计划的一部分.

·       The Australian Government isconsidering how best to shape the Migration Program into the future to driveeconomic growth and support job creation. 澳大利亚政府正在考虑如何利用移民计划在未来推动经济增长并支持创造就业机会。


o  Nominationswill be made available to States and Territories in line with theseconsiderations, in the following categories: 根据以上考虑因素,将在以下类别中向州和地区提供提名

§  Skilled – Nominated (subclass 190). /领地政府提名类技术移民

§  Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional(Provisional) (subclass 491). 偏远地区雇主担保类

§  Business Innovation and InvestmentProgram. 商业创新及投资类移民

6. What invitation rounds for Skilled Independent(subclass 189) and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (Family Sponsored)(subclass 491) continue to be run each month? 接下来还会每个月继续进行独立技术189类)和偏远地区技工(临时)(家庭担保)(491类)的邀请吗?

·       The Government is closely monitoringmigration and visa settings to ensure they are consistent with public healthmeasures, are flexible and do not displace job opportunities for Australians sothat Australia can deal with the immediate and post recovery impacts ofCOVID-19. 政府正在密切监视移民和签证设置,以确保它们与公共卫生措施相一致,具有灵活性并且不会取代澳大利亚人的工作机会,以便澳大利亚能够应对COVID-19的现时及之后的影响

·       Targeted invitation rounds havecontinued each month and prioritise skills which are in critical need and willaid Australia’s economic recovery. 每个月仍会持续进行有针对性的邀请,并优先安排急需的技,这将有助于澳大利亚的经济复苏

7. What changes will be made to the Migration Program in2020-21? 20-21年度的移民计划会有任何改变?

·       Until otherwise advised, the existing2019-20 Migration Program settings, including the program size and composition,will remain in place. 除非另行通知,否则现有计划保持不变

·       The Government’s current focus isdealing with the immediate health and economic impacts of COVID-19. 政府目前的重点工作是应对COVID-19对健康和经济的直接影响

8. Why did the Government decide to retain the 2019-20Migration Program settings? 政府为何决定保留19-20移民计划的设置?

·       The Migration Program is generallyannounced each year as part of the Federal Budget in May. 移民计划通常每年5月会作为联邦预算的一部分宣布


o  Dueto the Government’s focus on responding to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis,the 2020-21 Budget was deferred for consideration until October 2020 由于政府致力于应对史无前例的COVID-19危机,因此将2020-21年预算推迟到202010月审



9. Will stakeholders be consulted ahead of any potentialchanges to the 2020-21 Migration Program? 20-21年度的移民计划如果有任何潜在改动的话会提前征询利益相关者吗?

·       The Department plans to proceed withengagement with State and Territory governments regarding their nominationallocations for the 2020-21 Migration Program. 联邦政府计划就20-21年度移民提名分配与州和领地政府接触。

·       Relevant stakeholders will be advisedif any further decisions are made regarding program settings for the 2020-21Migration Program. 如果有任何进一步的设置的话,相关利益方会被提前告知。


10. Are migrants allowed entry to Australia during thistime? If so, how is the health and safety of Australians being protected? 这段时间内是否允许移民进入澳大利亚?如果被允许进入,如何保护澳大利亚人的健康和安全?

·       Decisions by the ABF Commissioner togrant exemptions for travel for compassionate and compelling circumstances mustbe balanced against the Government’s intent for imposing the travel ban and thehealth risks posed to the Australian community by international travellers. 在有同情心和令人信服的情况下授予旅行豁免的决定,必须与政府实施旅行禁令的意图以及国际旅行者对澳大利亚社区造成的健康风险之间进行权衡

·       All travellers arriving in Australiaby air or sea must be isolated in mandatory quarantine accommodation for 14days from their arrival, with few exceptions.所有乘飞机或海上到达澳大利亚的旅行者必须在抵达后的14天之内隔离在强制隔离区中,只有少数例外。

o  Formore information see: https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/ 更多信息请等登录官网查询

·       Travellers who have a compassionateor compelling reason to travel to Australia will need to have an exemption fromthe Australian Border Force Commissioner. 有同情心或令人信服的理由前往澳大利亚的旅行者需要申请澳大利亚边防的豁免

o  Eachcase is unique and is considered individually based on the information providedin the application, and supporting evidence must be provided. 每种情况都是不同的,并且根据申请中提供的信息要进行单独的考量,并且必须提供证据支持

o  Allapplications need to be completed in full, translated in English if necessary,with valid and readable documentation attached. Incomplete applications will bereturned and this will delay the process. 所有申请均需完整填写,必要时用英文翻译,并附有有效且可读的文档。不完整的申请将被退回,这将延迟申请过程

o  Eachapplication is considered on its own merit and applicants are informed iffurther information is required, or why the exemption has been refused. 每项申请均会根据其自身情况予以考虑,并告知申请人是否需要进一步的信息,或为何被拒绝豁免

o  Applicationsfor exemptions must be made at least 48 hours prior to any planned travel. 旅行豁免的申请必须在至少旅行前的48小时递交

o  Applicationsfor exemptions are considered according to the date of the planned travel, withpriority given to those needing to travel urgently. 豁免的下方会根据计划旅行的日期,优先考虑那些需要紧急旅行的人


o  Tolimit the spread of COVID-19 in the Australian community, from 20 March 2020all foreign nationals who do not meet the travel exemptions will not be allowedto enter Australia. 为了限制COVID-19在澳大利亚社区中的传播,从2020320日起,所有不符合旅行豁免规定的外国公民都被禁止进入澳大利亚

o  Temporaryvisa holders currently outside Australia will still need to apply for anexemption to travel to Australia. Those without a valid visa will not beconsidered for a travel exemption. 目前在澳大利亚境外的临时签证持有人需要申请豁免才能前往澳大利亚。那些没有有效签证的人将不被考虑旅行豁免

·       The current travel restrictions havebeen implemented on the advice of the Australian Health Protection PrincipalCommittee (AHPPC). 目前的旅行限制是根据澳大利亚健康保护主要委员会的建议实施的


·       These decisions are not takenlightly, but the Government’s priority is to protect the Australian communityagainst the COVID-19 pandemic. 做出这些决定并非易事,但政府的首要任务是保护澳大利亚社区免受COVID-19大流行的影响


·       Only Australian citizens, a permanentresidents, immediate family members of an Australian citizen or permanentresident or New Zealand citizens usually resident in Australia can travel toAustralia. 只有澳大利亚公民,永久居民,澳大利亚公民的直系亲属或通常居住在澳大利亚的新西兰公民才能前往澳大利亚


o  Formore information see: https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/ 更多咨询请登陆网站查询


·       Immediate family members ofAustralian citizens and permanent residents who hold a temporary visa will needto provide evidence of their relationship. 持有临时签证的澳大利亚公民或永久居民的直系亲属需要提供其亲属关系的证据






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