
2019年11月08日 澳洲新鲜事

This Night OutInvolved Business, Illusion And Helping Those In Need!

A new member to the philanthropic sceneis Australian-made wellness company

A night out can go a lot of different ways– tame, indulgent and everything in between – but how about a night out spenthelping those who need it most? Now that’s something we can definitely getbehind, and on Saturday September 14, that’s exactly what happened. Plus, itfeatured an Australian made wellness company, Bella Figura!


Leaving behind their mahogany desks andpopping out of the boardroom for the night, Brisbane business people andfaithful sponsors came together to help fundraise for The Lord Mayor’sCharitable Trust Gala Ball “A Night of Illusion”. Having a fancy schmancy nameisn’t the coolest thing about these guys – the Trust has also been improvingthe wellbeing of the most marginalised and vulnerable members of the Brisbanecommunity for over 50 years. The benevolent and generous funds they have raisedhave gone on to support charities that assist Brisbanites suffering fromdisability, homelessness, mental health, drug or alcohol addiction, trauma,abuse and neglect. Sounds like a worthy night out to us!


A new member to the philanthropic scene isAustralian-made wellness company, Bella Figura. Through the combination ofproven medical research, innovative science breakthroughs and technology, theybring world-class products that deliver real results. In the battle againstcarcinogens, aging, malnutrition and blemished skin, Bella Figura is the oneyou want in your arsenal.

With products ranging from healthmaintenance, general wellbeing to beauty repair and body regeneration, Bella Figurahas official certification from multiple Australian medical bodies and is madefor all ages. Every single Bella Figura treatment is based on research producedby experts from a variety of Aus’ institutions including world-renownedAustralian public and private hospitals, universities and medical laboratoriesso you can be rest assured that only the best of minds are treating you.


When the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust GalaBall and Bella Figura realised they both shared the same end goal – to recoverand progress the lives of Australians – partnering up only made sense. As such,Bella Figura is proud to be a Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust Gala Ball Sponsor.


Learn more about The Lord Mayor’sCharitable Trust here and find out more about Bella Figura here.









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