This week, we are announcing the finalists of 2020 Australia China Alumni Award for Corporate Achievement.
Australia China Alumni Award for
Corporate Achievement
This award celebrates alumni who have made significant accomplishments within a corporate environment across all industry sectors.
It seeks to recognise both established and emerging commercial leaders, all of whom should have been able to demonstrate leadership ability, a flair for her or his field, and a passion for corporate social responsibility.
This year, six outstanding candidates have been shortlisted:
今年, 这个奖项有6位入围者,他们分别是:
John Zhang
Finance Director reporting to Group President of Oriental Cambridge Education Group, Beijing
University of Queensland Alumnus
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Jun [John] Zhang has 20+ years working experience, 16+ years finance management experience in FT500 and public listed multinational companies including over 9 years in the FedEx Group and more than 5 years in Papa John’s International. Currently, he is a member of the Executive Leader Team for the Oriental Cambridge Education Group in Beijing.
He bright with a Master of Business Administration from The University of Queensland, a Master of Accounting from Macquarie University in Sydney and a Bachelor of Economics from Tianjin University. John remains a Fellow Member of the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants [FCPA, CPA Australia] and Member of International Business Professionals.
张军(John Zhang)在世界500强企业和上市跨国公司拥有超过20年的工作经验,16年以上财务管理经验。其中包括在美国联邦快递工作超过9年及美国棒约翰国际公司工作超过5年。目前是北京东方剑桥教育集团执行领导团队的成员。
Chris Pan
Operation – SCM Director, PTL Group
RMIT Alumna
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Chris is an experienced business leader with extensive international engagement, working as a senior executive at PTL group (a company with a $1000M+ trade volume of clients), specializing in brand strategy, operation optimization and service delivery. She has a proven track record of successfully managing complex issue resolutions; leading a high performing team to deliver integrated business solutions to bridge 300+ international companies’ market penetration into China; implementing strategy for growth, and navigating intricate policies to assist new companies to establish their reputations in China across a wide range of industries including life science, technology, medical and security. Client networks are from Australia, Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America.
In her previous role as Austcham Shanghai Board Director, she used her experience in global trading compliance, strategic partnership engagement and extensive governance experience to strengthen the relationship between China and Australia, especially in the fields of Chinese market navigation, entrepreneurship-focused education, SME incubation and business matchmaking.
With her ‘Meet the future’ project, Chris continues to show her entrepreneurship spirit and commitment to make a positive impact on society and to help build a stronger community through education. Chris remains committed to empowering female entrepreneurs and young professionals in her other roles as Industry Mentor for RMIT University and as VP for the RMIT University Alumni Committee Shanghai.
Shawn Ma
Hisense Group Senior Scientist and Hisense Telecommunication Company Vice General Manager
La Trobe University Alumnus
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Dr. Xiaohang MA got his Ph.D Degree from the Computer Science Department, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia in 2005. He finished his post-doctor study in 2015 and Shandong Province Government conferred on him the “Shandong Excellent Post-Doctor Award”. In 2006, Dr. Ma was the R&D Department Manager at Alcatel-Lucent Company and his current position is Hisense Group Senior Scientist and Hisense Telecommunication Company Vice General Manager. In recent years, he won the “Qingdao Top-notch Talent Support Program”, “Qingdao Technological Invention Award”,”Shandong Taishan Industry Leading Talent” etc.
马小航,海信集团资深科学家,青岛海信通信有限公司副总经理,正高级工程师。2005年毕业于澳大利亚La Trobe大学,获得计算机科学博士学位;2016年完成博士后研究工作出站并且获得山东省优秀博士后的称号。2006年加入阿尔卡特朗讯公司青岛研发中心,担任研发技术总监;2011年加入海信集团,先后荣获“青岛市科技进步奖一等奖”,“青岛市拔尖人才”,“山东省泰山产业领军人才”等称号,山东省科学技术奖评审专家库成员,市南区产学研创新联盟第一届专家智库专家。
Jianda Ni
Chairman & CEO of Jupai Holdings Limited
La Trobe University Alumnus
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Mr Jianda Ni has served as Jupai's chairman of the board since April 2015, and as the Company's chief executive officer since May 2017 and previously from April 2015 to February 2017.
Prior to joining the company, he served as the Chairman of Shanghai Industrial Holdings Limited, or SIHL, from July 2010, an executive director of SIHL from February 2014 and an executive director of Shanghai Industrial Investment (Holdings) Co., Ltd. from November 2013.
Prior to July 2010, he was a deputy chief executive officer of SIHL. In the past, Mr. Ni also served as a director and president of Shanghai Urban Development and the general manager of Shanghai Xuhui Real Estate Management Co., Ltd., the deputy general manager of Shanghai Urban Development and the general manager of the real estate department of China Huayuan Group Ltd.
Mr Ni was named in the Top Ten Persons of the Year in the 2006 China International Real Estate and Arch-tech Fair, elected as one of 2007 Boao Forum's Most Influential Persons in China's Real Estate Industry in 20 Years and recognized as one of the Top Ten Entrepreneurs in the Shanghai Real Estate Sector in 18 years in 2005.
He is currently the honorary president of Shanghai Young Entrepreneurs Association and a Vice Chairman of the China Real Estate Association.
Hubert Feng
Head of Legal and Compliance APAC, Liquidnet
University of New South Wales Alumnus
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I have been an inhouse counsel and compliance professional for the last 15 years in reputable global financial organisations. I specialize in tradable securities related regulation and designing of compliance programs. I have worked in legal in relation to primary debt capital markets work, OTC derivatives work, prime finance, cash equities trading, bonds secondary trading, commodities and FX trading, with corporate banks, investment banks, private wealth managers and commodity exchanges in regional APAC roles.
Bill Feng
General Manager of Bitzer
Monash University Alumnus
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Bill has been General Manager with full P&L responsibility in China for a German company in the mechanical, industrial engineering and construction industry since 2007. Serving in foreign companies for over 20 years, he has rich managerial experiences with P&L responsibility in multinational companies; able to take up challenge and deliver strong performance and has strong experience in entering new market by launching new products.
He has completed the Master of Business Administration (MBA), at Monash Mt. Eliza Business School, Australia. A Bachelor of Science degree (Mechanical Engineering – Internal Combustion); a qualified Associate Management Accountant (AMA).
Congratulations to all finalists of 2020 Austraia China Alumni Award for Corporate Achievement!
ACAA will hold Award Finalists Networking on 28th November in various cities both in China and Australia. This is the first year that ACAA hold Award Ceremony outside of China. We welcome alumni to attend. Evnet details will be posted next week. Please stay tuned with us.
Special thanks to our Award Sponsors: Australian Embassy, Beijing, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and PwC You Plus.
特别鸣谢澳大利亚驻华大使馆、澳大利亚驻华大使、澳洲贸易投资委员会和普华永道You Plus特训计划对本届校友奖的大力支持!