【PTE每日一练】Speaking-Retell Lecture

原创 2017年09月25日 睿思国际



PTE Academic speaking retell lecture

Interviewer: What nutritional guidelines should we be following?
Interviewee: Well, probably the best source of nutritional guidelines are those that are issued by the American Cancer Society or the National Cancer Institute. And the American Cancer Society, for example, offers four really basic, simple nutrition guidelines. The first guideline, which in my mind is the most important, is to choose most of the foods that you eat from plant sources, and we can talk in more detail about that in a moment. The second guideline is to limit your intake of high fat foods, particularly from animal sources. The third guideline is to be physically active and achieve a normal, healthy body weight. And the final guideline is to limit consumption of alcoholic beverages if you choose to drink at all.
Interviewer: So Susan, one of the things we always hear about … from the American Cancer Society is this five-a-day recommendation. Maybe if you could explain to our listening audience what that actually means.


Raise International Education睿思国际教育,成立于2014年,专注于雅思和PTE教学。追求“稳中有升,步步为营”的理念,通过提高英语能力,并结合考试技巧,帮助学生们快速通过考试,达成自己的梦想。

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