有很多最近考PTE的小伙伴都表示有新题加入,就连一向题库稳定的SWT也增加了新的题目,今天带给大家一道最近常考的高频题“read your writing aloud”。
乍一看这标题还以为是口语当中的read aloud呢!
It might seem a little eccentric, but reviewing your work by reading it aloud can help to identify the woolliest areas. This works best if you perform your reading in a theatrical way, pausing at the commas and ends of sentences. If you run out of breath during a sentence, it is probably too long. You ought to be able to convert your writing into a speech in this way – if it sounds too stilted and convoluted, perhaps you could rework these parts until they sound fluid.
那么这段话的主旨是什么? 是Reviewing your work by reading it aloud can help to identify the woolliest areas,那么中文翻译便是“在检查你写的文章的时候,大声的朗读能够有效的发现你写的不好的地方”,那么剩下你要做的就是把这样一句中文翻译成英文就好了。
那么有些同学可能会问,这段后面还说了句子太长怎么怎么样,要让你的文章和朗读的节奏保持一致,这些信息点就不写了么? 我的回答是你可以写,但是你的字数将会超过75个字,而且SWT考的就是总结归纳能力,你把信息点全写上了就应该叫“LAA”了,即“LIST ALL ASPECTS”了。
那么这一段的答案很简单:Reading your writing aloud while reviewing can effectively help to spot the sentence that does not flow smoothly.
It’s unlikely that your reader will be fooled by the idea that long words make you sound clever. Cluttering a sentence with too many complicated words can prevent its meaning from being understood at all. A short word is always preferable to a long one. Why should anyone choose the word ‘erroneous’ over the word ‘wrong’ in an essay? Usually writers who employ more obscure words are trying to sound impressive, but can appear pretentious. Direct words enable you to control what you are saying, and are not necessarily babyish, but the most appropriate ones for the job.
英文翻译:most readers prefer short words to long ones as shorter words make the writing more easier to read.
When you read your writing aloud, you will notice that the key stress comes at the end of your sentence. It is therefore most effective to end with a short and emphatic word to secure your point. Try to resist the impulse to waffle at the end of your sentence by trailing off into qualifying clauses. It might be worth relocating the clause to the beginning of the sentence or losing it altogether if you feel that it adds little to its meaning.
那么这一段虽然作者将其划分为一个段落,但是可以明显的感觉到第二和第三段是在表达同一个意思,就是写文章不要太啰嗦:most readers prefer short words to long ones as shorter words make the writing more easier to read,so try to end your sentences by simple phrases or words rather than meaningless clauses.
Your sentences might be the most grammatically perfect in the world, but still cause your writing to sound wrong if you have misjudged its tone. A colloquial style, which uses slang and exclamations, is an inappropriately chatty tone for an essay. However, style can be equally jarring if your vocabulary is too formal or ambitious for its context. It is much more impressive to make complicated points using simple language and grammar.
英文翻译:Inappropriate use of vocabulary and one would make your writing sound wrong even with perfect grammar, suggesting that simple language and grammar should be used.
Reading aloud while reviewing writing helps to spot the sentence that does not flow smoothly because most readers prefer short words and simple phrases to long ones as shorter words make the writing easier to read;inappropriate use of vocabulary would make your writing sounds wrong even with perfect grammar, suggesting that simple language and grammar should be used.
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