
2012年12月26日 澳洲OZ打折网



12月7日,由中华人民共和国商务部主办的 “澳大利亚中国纺织服装线上展”在线上平台正式拉开帷幕。利用数字展览平台举办线上展览,助力中澳企业共享贸易融通和市场开放的红利,推动形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局作出贡献。 








China Clothing Textiles Accessories Expo Opening Online 


On December 7, the "China Clothing Textiles Accessories Expo", hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of The Peoples Republic of China is officially opening on the online platform. Using the digital exhibition platform, Chinese and Australian enterprises share trade online. 

This digital exhibition attracted more than 140 Chinese high-quality brand enterprises to exhibit, and more than 1,000 international buyers registered online. The exhibit products such as apparel, clothing, home apparel, apparel, shoes, Anti-epidemic supplies, etc. in conjunction with the local market of Australia, effectively enhance the will of local enterprises to cooperate and develop with Chinese enterprises, promote China Brand to go global, weave the global industrial chain and value chain, create business negotiation docking accounts to match supply and demand, and provide a real-time, accurate and efficient docking platform for both Chinese and foreign suppliers and buyers. The digital exhibition lasts for 3 days and closes on December 9.  

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