Senior citizens are entitled to a lot of concessions. Give atleast two examples of those concessions in both Australia and Mandarin speakingcountries you are familiar with.
How people with disability are treated and preserved in Australiaand Mandarin speaking countries?
Explain how Medicare works in Australia and how the healthcaresystem differs from that in Mandarin speaking countries you are familiar with?
How do old people live differently in Australia and in Mandarinspeaking countries?
A patient has just finished an operation and he wants waterbecause he is afraid of being dehydrated. What would you do?
During the waiting time outside a hearing room of an interpreting assignment, a client starts chatting with you about an interpreter who worked for her before, saying that he made a lot of mistakes last time and he should not be an interpreter anymore. What would you do?
You are an interpreter working for an agency. After the interpreting work, your client appreciated your good job and wanted your contact details and she said that she would directly contact you if needed. What would you do?
You are working for Centrelink, and you know that you have correctly interpreted all jargons in Mandarin. However, you find that yourclient might not understand and since you have worked for Centrelink for many years, you are able to explain the meaning and the implications of those jargons to your client. What would you do?
从笔试的题目中,我们还是可以看出对于Cultural & Social questions 仍然考核各位考生是否对在澳洲的生活,以及政府针对某种特定人群(如:老人、残障人士、孕妇、新移民、儿童、失业人士等)的政策有着深入的了解。往往学生不关注这些信息,因为自己并不处在这种情况下,只是为了应对NAATI考试。因此,各位考生还是要经常关注政府的新政、福利设施等。
Depression 抑郁症
Counselling Service 咨询服务
一位女性抑郁症患者到医生处咨询,表明生活没有希望,想要自杀(want to commit suicide)。医生问有没有持续写(gratitude diary 感恩日记)。患者说有记录了一些日常生活:早上和丈夫看牙医(dentist),外孙女用平板电脑(tablet)看了两集电视剧(episodes),午饭后休息2小时。医生表示可以记录一些有用的事。医生诊断病人患有轻度(mild)抑郁症,并且询问有没有家人的支持。患者表示自己的丈夫很能容忍自己的脾气,可是她的女儿会嘲笑她的自杀倾向。医生建议她应该用积极的态度去看待事情。
一位顾客去保险公司咨询购买海外健康保险,因为下个月要同太太去澳洲看望女儿。客服人员建议购买(Standard Healthcare Package基础健康保险计划),这个计划可以覆盖(cover)救护车和其他必须的医疗费用(medical costs),一天只要4元。
客户询问是否可以报销药费(cover costs on medicine),因为听说在海外买药很贵。虽然不期望得大病(serious conditions),但是小病像感冒(cold)、发烧(fever)可不可以报销?客服人员说根据保单(policy),情况紧急可以报销。如果不是紧急情况,看病通常要去诊所,可以提前预约也可以直接去。客户问可以全额报销吗?客服人员说要视情况而定,大部分是可以报销的。可是如果医生收取额外的费用,只要看差价(gap fee)。客户表示很复杂,感觉有隐藏的费用(hidden costs),需要考虑一下。
NAATI口译二级保过班 | ||||
课程简介 | 曼拓教育口译二级课程由经验丰富的NAATI认证口译、笔译资深教师中英文授课,短时间内可以帮助学生备考口译二级考试、获得宝贵的移民5分加分。 曼拓的NAATI教师会亲临历届口译考场,为学员收集最新的考试题库。完善的教学体系和教材也保证了90%以上的高通过率。 课程分为医学、法律等对话练习,职业道德和文化问题讲解及全真模拟考试练习。 | |||
开班时间 | 每周六、日:6月18日-7月15日 (10:00-12:00 & 13:30-15:30) | |||
课程周期 | 36小时,18节课 | |||
价格 | 原价$1500, 现超值特价 $999 (包含学费、材料费及全真模拟考试费用) |
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