1,What do we remember on ANZAC Day? (澳新军团节是为了纪念什么日子)
A,the landing of the Australianand New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, Turkey (澳洲和新西兰军队联合在土耳其的加里波利登陆)
B,The arrival of the first free settlersfrom Great Britain (第一批从大英帝国登陆的移民)
C,The landing of the first Fleet atSydney Cove (第一支在悉尼湾登陆的舰队)
2,Which official symbol of Australia identifiescommonwealth property?(哪种澳洲官方标记代表着澳洲的联邦性质)
A, the national anthem (国歌)
B,Australia’s national flower (澳洲国花)
C, Commonwealth Coat of Arms (澳洲国徽)
3,What are the colours of the AustralianAboriginal Flag? (澳洲土著旗帜的颜色有哪几种)
A,Black, Red and Yellow (黑,红,黄)
B,Green, White and Black (绿,白,黑)
C,Blue, White and green (蓝,白, 绿 )
4,Which of these statements about
A, the queen of Australia chooses people toform the Australian Parliament (女皇选择相应的人组成澳洲国会)
B, the government is elected by the people (政府由人民选举产生)
C, the prime minister chooses our membersof Parliament (总理选择国会议员)
5,Which of these statements about passport iscorrect? (以下对护照描述哪项是正确的)
A,Australian citizens can apply foran Australian passport (澳洲公民可以申请澳洲护照)
B,Permanent residents can hold anAustralian Passport (永久居民可以持有澳洲护照)
C,Australian Citizens need a passportand visa to return to Australia (澳洲公民需要护照和签证返回澳洲)
6, What happened in Australia on 1 January 1901? (1901年1月1日澳洲发生了什么)
A,the Australian Constitution was changed by a referendum (澳洲在全民公投后被修正了)
B,the Australian and New Zealand Army corps was formed (澳新军团成立了)
C,the Australian constitution came into effect (澳洲宪法生效)
7,What is the name of the legal document thatsets out the rules for the government of Australia?(哪种法律文档为澳洲政府设置规范条例)
A,the Australian federation (澳大利亚联邦)
B,the Australian Commonwealth (澳大利亚联邦)
C,the Australian Constitution (澳大利亚宪法)
8,Which of these statements about state governmentsis correct?(以下哪条对州政府的描述是正确的)
A,all states have the same constitution(所有州政府都有同样的宪法)
B,each state has its own constitution(每个州都有自己的宪法)
C,the states have no constitution(每个州没有自己的宪法)
9,what is the name of a proposal to make a lawin parliament?(提交给国会做成法律的议案叫什么)
A,Royal assent (御准)
B,Bill (法案)
C,Debate (辩论)
10,What is a referendum?(全民公投做什么?)
A,a vote to change the government (投票选举政府)
B,a vote to change the Australian Constitution (投票修改宪法)
C,a vote to change the prime minister (投票换总理)