- 偏远地区学习,毕业后申请移民加5分
- 偏远地区学习,毕业获得3~6年485毕业生工签
- 政府每年提供总计1,950万澳元的“Destination Australia”奖学金
澳洲毕业生临时工签Temporary Graduate visa (又名:485签证),是留学生毕业以后合法在澳洲工作、学习、生活的凭证。485其中一个分支为PSW(Post-study Work)签证。
陶老师 Suki
1.本硕均毕业于澳洲大学,专业为Accounting and finance 金融和会计。4年留学生活,5年行业经验。
2.读书时担任蒙纳士、迪肯大学商科tutor一职,毕业时在墨尔本当地最大的留学移民公司担任 education consellor。
你已有的知识和研究背景 你是否有提出问题和解决问题,以及辩证思考 的能力和创新思维。 你是否有能力和计划去完成这一项宏观的长达几年的博士研究计划。 你的研究方向是否跟导师是同一个领域,他/她能够在未来的学习中给予你相关的指导。
项目名称:使用清晰的关键字给自己的项目起个名字 项目陈述:阐述研究项目具体情况、重要性。需要包括以下6个方面:
研究对象是什么? 你的研究与此领域的其他人有何不同? 你为什么对此项目感兴趣? 你的研究能力为此研究对象增加什么价值? 你的研究能力为此领域填充何种空白? 你的研究实践规划是怎么样的?用几年时间完成?
In your abstract, you should first briefly explain what your question is and why it is interesting. You should then explain the results of your analysis. You should finally describe the conclusion of your analysis—in other words, what your results mean. Your abstract5 should be no longer than 200 words.
The main goal of your introduction is to motivate your question and introduce your analysis. You should therefore provide enough background to make the value of your analysis clear You should cite between 5 and 10 papers which are related to your analysis You should then explain what your analysis sets out to do. What is your question? What do you expect to do? You may wish to give an initial indication of the results, but this is a stylistic decision
Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research
The discussion should briefly summarise what you have done, and discuss what your findings mean. To make your document as accessible as possible to busy readers, it is a good idea to ensure that your discussion would make sense if the reader had not read the rest of the document. You may wish to begin by briefly summarising the motivation for your study once again.You can then restate your research question. Give a brief indication of the nature of your analyses and summarise what your analyses found. Try to offer a potential explanation for your findings. If you have found the pattern you expected, you may have already hinted towards this explanation in your introduction. If you did not find what you expected, why do you think this is? Some possible ideas. It is very important that you are careful not to overstate your case. In particular, most investigations do not “prove” anything on their own, but you may have found new strong or weak support for a given idea. Indicate what the implications of your investigation are.