这些题竟然还都在考?!一周高频PTE考题总结 -- 28.12.2017

原创 2017年12月28日 文波英语

Read Aloud



Describe Image

US Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Trends (7, 文波DI线图机经第3)

The graphgives information about US fruit and vegetable consumption trends from 1970 to2010 measured by pounds per person per year. From the graph, we can find thatthe figures in vegetables stayed stable at about 340 in the first decade andthen increased sharply to 425 in 2000, finishing at about 390 by 2010. It isinteresting to find that the figures in fruit increased with fluctuationsduring the whole period of time, ranging from about 240 to 290. It is alsoworth noticing that the trends in those two categories were similar. Overall,we can draw a conclusion that the consumption of vegetables in US was much higherthan that of fruit from 1970 to 2010.


The holiday accommodation chosen (4, 文波DI柱图机经第35)

Paper making process (8次,文波DI流程图机经第5)

Tesco Music Download (6次,文波DI流程图机经第1)

Distribution of rhinoceros (6次,文波DI地图机经第14)


  1.  Child birthrate in Western countries (5,文波RL机经第33)

  2. Ø  The lecture talks about the childbirth rates in European countries.

  3. Ø  In the beginning of the lecture, thespeaker mentioned that the rate decreases to historical low at about 1.1-1.2%in recent years.

  4. Ø  The reason is that women in Europe areunwilling to give birth especially those young women under 30 years old.

  5. Ø  At the end of the lecture, the speakerconcluded that the phenomenon would affect men’s position of life, which willincrease their unemployment rate.



图:图一条折线,先上升一点,后直线下降,纵轴Childbirth rates横轴年份到2000年时候大概是1点几%出生率;近年来女人不太想要生育,尤其在西方国家 30 岁以下的女生,未来这也将影响男性的发展


  1. Dimension (4,文波RL机经第51)

  2. Ø  Dimension means how many variablesthat are required to describe a position.

  3. Ø  Dimension describes a position onequator that is longitude. Dimension includes longitudes, latitude and candescribe a position on the earth.

  4. Ø  Dimension are longitudes, latitude,and altitudes, which a position over the earth.

  5. Ø  Similarly, when describing a positionin the space, then takes the time into account, which is the 4 Dimension


3. 猴子打印机Infinite monkey theorem(8,文波RL机经第17)

This illustrationoften used is the one that the monkey and the typewriters. OK, we have a monkeysiting at a typewriter and the claim here is basically if you leave chance intime long enough you will get life. Don’t worry about it, yes, it’s strange,yes it’s wonderful, but leaves enough matter 600 million years on earth and youwill have life. So, the monkey sitting at the typewriter, the chances areeventually he produces the complete works of Shakespeare but he doesn’t manageto do it in 600 million years. So what I decide to do is to run the numbers. Iinstead of saying typing the complete work of Shakespeare. I just run thenumbers for how long would it take a monkey typing one key striker a second. Totype “to be or not to be that is the question”, right? On average how long isit gonna take my monkey friend one keystroke a second. I don’t know how youthink it would be. Maybe you could have a guess. Would it be less or more than600 million years, which is the period life on earth isn’t supposed to haveemerge within and when I run the numbers “to be or not to be is the question”takes 12.6 trillion trillion trillion years to type just that phrase and a DNAstring that something of that complexity emerges by chance undirected within600 million years? Again, it's mathematically possible but it's so incredibleunlikely that it would have that it tilts me in favor of the Christian story inwhich God creating life, simply a question of saying let that be and there was.

  1. P.S.出现变化,没有说打莎士比亚文章,而是打六个字的单词需要10


4. NapoleonIII Paris Renovation: reconstruction of Paris (5,文波RL机经第24)

  • This lecture mainly talks about therenovation of Paris in 1890s. Napoleon the Third saw the old Paris was the evilParis, so he decided to reconstruct it.

  • The renovation was vast public programcommissioned by Napoleon the third and directed by Haussmann.

  • Napoleon the third instructedHaussmann to bring air and light to the center of Paris and to drain thesewage.

  • Napoleon also asked Haussmann to plantmore trees, build roads and to make the city cleaner and safer.

  • The reason for doing this was that theold Paris had many serious problems such as overcrowding, diseases and crimes.

5.Welshspeaker (10次,wenbo.tv有视频,文波RL机经第41)

  • 参考答案版本一:

Welsh is a Celticlanguage spoken mainly in Wales, also in Welsh colony and some other countriessuch as England, Scotland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Thepercentage of Wales speak Welsh has decreased from 50% to 20% during 20thcentury. The number of Welsh speakers in Wales is around 750,000, and 28% ofthe Wales population, claimed to have some knowledge of the language.

  • 版本二:

Welsh is a Celticlanguage spoken in Wales, Wales’s colony, England, Canada, USA. At thebeginning of the 20th century about half of the population of Wales spoke Welshas an everyday language, towards the end of the century, the proportion ofWelsh speakers had fallen to about 20%. According to the 2001 census about750,000 people speak, read or write Welsh and 28% of the population have someknowledge of the language. In the end, the number of Welsh speaker has apositive prediction.


Summarize Written Text

  1. Skipping Breakfast (7, 文波SWT机经第29)

  2. Songbird (12, 文波SWT机经第1)

  3. Wine industry (6次,文波SWT机经第16)

  4. Australian Education (11次,文波SWT机经第20)

  5. It'll Never Fly: The City of London (5次,文波SWT机经第25)

  6. Armed police in school (10次,文波SWT机经第9)

  7. Greenhouse Gas (14次,文波SWT机经第35)

  8. Compulsory voting (6次,文波SWT机经第33)



1. Is travel a necessary component ofeducation or not? Will scholar sitting at home have more knowledge than one whotravels?(文波Essay机经第27)

2. Modern technology has promoted newinventions. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (文波Essay机经第57)

3. Do you think that extreme sports likeskiing, water rafting etc. are dangerous and should be prohibited? (文波Essay机经第9)

4. Some organizations integrate employeesin decision making process of their goods and services. Discuss the advantagesand disadvantages of this. (文波Essay机经第13)

5.The world’s governments andorganizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the mostpressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet and give the solution? (文波Essay机经第55)

6. In education system, assessmentthrough formal written examination still valid. Do you agree or disagree? (文波Essay机经第38)

Reorder paragraphs

Green tea (8次,文波阅读RO机经第10)

a)  In May 2006, researchers at Yale Universityweighed in on green tea’s health benefits with a review article that examinedmore than 100 studies on the subjects.

b)  They pointed to the Asian paradox, lower rateof heart diseases and cancer in Asia despite high rate of smoking.

c)  They theorized that the 1.2 liters of greentea consumed by many Asian each day, provides high levels of polyphones andother antioxidants.

d)  Specifically, green tea may prevent theoxidation of LDL cholesterol which in turn can reduce the buildup of plaque inarteries, the researchers wrote.

e)  This compound may work in several ways toimprove cardiovascular health.


Fill in the Blanks

1.   Bishop-留学生英文问题 (文波阅读FIB机经第18题,4)

FederalEducation Minister Julie Bishop says she has seen no evidence that foreignstudents are graduating from Australian universities with poor English skills.Research by Monash University academic Bob Birrell has found a third of foreignstudents are graduating without a competent level ofEnglish.

But MsBishop says Australian universities only enrol foreign students once they haveachieved international standards of language proficiency.

"Thishas been an extraordinary attack by Professor Birrell on our universities," she said.

"Interactionalstudents must meet international benchmarks in Englishlanguage in order to get a place at university in Australia and they can't getinto university without reaching that international standard.

Universityof Canberra vice chancellor Roger Dean also says international students arerequired to sit an English test before being admitted to nearly all Australianuniversities.

"Thereare, of course, intercultural difficulties as well as language difficulties," he said.

"Thereare, of course, also many Australian students who don't speak such fantastically good English either.

"Sowe're trying to push the standard even higher than present but it's a veryuseful one already. '

Ms Bishopsays Australia's university system has high standards.

"I'veseen no evidence to suggest that students are not able to complete theircourses because they're failing in English yet they're being passed by theuniversities, " she said. (考试中空可能会有变化)


Summarize Spoken Text

1.    Student Loan (文波听力SST机经第16,15)

A womanwho is at her forties complains about the massive student loan she has beenrepaying since college. Although she is grateful of going to college because ofthe good job she obtained, she is worried that she can never pay off hermounting debts. Moreover, because of her poorly performing financial status,her children cannot rely on her and her husband for college support.


2.    Drug advertisement (文波听力SST机经第23题,7)

Drugcompanies are doubling the numbers of advertisements on TV during prime times.This information is technically correct but their tone is misleading consumers.For example, the character in the ads gains control of their lives after takingthe prescribed drugs rather than changing their lifestyle.


3.    Amory Lovins (文波听力SST机经第17题,9)

He is anunusual character with a wide range of knowledge, but he is not an academicperson. He has a consulting company and lives in a house which is built in themountain. He has thought and used a lot of ways to save energy and solveproblems with existing technologies for 30 years. People tend to regard him asgenius and crazy Mr. Green.


4.    Talent War (文波听力SST机经第10题,12)

The war oftalents occurred because of the increasing demand in the number of talents andthe decrease in the supply.

Companiesand governments now have to compete with each other to get the talents.

Thepotential causes for such matter are the mismatch of professional, and thechange in the nature of our economy since 1990s.



5.    Einstein (文波听力SST机经第24题,15)

Thislecture mainly talked about Einstein’s theory in dynamic space. Firstly, someexperts had a strong belief in the fixed universe for thousands of years sincethey believed that planets were unchangeable and in orbits. But Einstein’stheory changed such belief. He claimed that the whole space is dynamicallychanging all the time.


6.    Urbanization (文波听力SST机经第41题,8)

Thislecture talks about the relationship between the agriculture and urbanization.

One farmergrowing food can benefit many families in the city. And the food trade in cityalso can benefit people in countryside.However more and more people don't wantto live in countryside anymore, a lot of people move to urban area, as thereare more opportunities in the city.If all people are move to city, then theystart losing jobs, increasing unemployment rate.


Write From Dictation

  1. Peer group pressure has a significanteffect on young people. (文波WFD机经第259)

  2. Animals raised in captivity behavedifferently with their wild counterparts. (文波WFD机经第13)

  3. The morning’s lecture on economicpolicy has been cancelled.(文波WFD机经第131)

  4. The key difference between courses isthe kind of assessment.(文波WFD机经第260)

  5. The sociology department is highlyregarded worldwide. (文波WFD机经第151)

  6. The toughest part of education isfunding the report contains the most important information. (文波WFD机经第261)

  7. You should hand in essay at the end ofthe semester. (文波WFD机经第262)





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