成都博舍(Temple House)将携手澳大利亚知名艺术家Lisa Roet呈现“金猴”传奇雕塑,此次艺术展示也是澳大利亚领事馆主办的“迷尚澳周”成都活动的一部分。充气巨型金猴雕塑高约14米,将于2016年11月26日起正式亮相成都,攀援在博舍竹林图案的玻璃外墙上,同时博舍也准备了一系列金猴主题活动,欢迎公众参与。
Following its successful showcase at The Opposite House in Beijing, The Temple House welcomes the "Golden Monkey" sculpture by Australian artist Lisa Roet as its latest House guest from November 26 until January 2017, as part of the Australian Consulate-General's Savour Australia events.
《金猴》是澳大利亚艺术家Lisa Roet 的猴型充气式雕塑作品。以濒危的缅甸金丝猴为原型,将缅甸金丝猴的形象嫁接到熙攘繁华的大都市中,Lisa Roet试图激发关于都市环境与自然环境、人类与自然的关系和可持续性等话题的探讨, 并向公众传递一个全球性话题——野生动物保护。
The Golden Monkey is an inflatable sculpture designed by Australian artist Lisa Roet. Modeled after the golden sneezing snub-nosed monkey, a recently discovered yet critically threatened species found only in southern China and the northern regions of Vietnam and Myanmar, and transplanting it into a bustling metropolis, Roet engages in discourse concerning the contrast of urban and natural environments, our human connection to nature, and issues of sustainability.
11月26日星期六,18:00-18:30将在博舍举行“迷尚澳周”澳大利亚艺术家Lisa Roet《金猴》雕塑展揭幕仪式。郭南希总领事将出席并致辞,现场还有圣诞唱诗班表演及举行环保圣诞树亮灯仪式。