RIVERMARQUE SETTLE时间接近,部分投资者所购房屋由于不在租金保障协议覆盖的范围内,担心市场租金不如以前的预测,所以我们代表投资者向这个项目的酒店运营商OAKS提出了希望他们能给个关于租金预测的评估。结果回来和原来预测的几乎没有差别。详细请见下文OAKS的租赁部经理发给我们的邮件和附件的租金预测。
I apologise for the delay in getting the updated operational financial breakdown to you. There has not been any major issue with the updated forecast. It’s just been time consuming collecting all the information.
After reviewing the market and assessing the trends, we do not believe the projections for Rivermarque require any amendment from those originally supplied. Attached is a breakdown of the operation costs for each apartment under Oaks management projected for the first year, per apartment type.
Please let me know if you require any further information.
Scott Cunnington
Manager of Owner Contracts
Oaks Hotels & Resorts