
2014年08月11日 去澳洲咨询留学

给大家带来澳洲移民律师协会(MIA) 西澳会议最新消息。


DIBP today provided comparative information on past GSM programs and the current 2014-15 program at the MIA WA State Conference. The presentation included the following:

  • The top five countries of origin for GSM applicants for this program year so far are: India, China, Pakistan, the UK and the Philippines;

  • 本财年迄今为止技术移民五大来源国:印度、中国、巴基斯坦、英国和菲律宾。

  • The top 5 skilled occupation for this program year so far are: Accountant, Registered Nurse, Software Engineer, Cook and Systems Administrator;

  • 本财年迄今为止技术移民五大职业:会计、护士、软件工程师、厨师和系统管理人员。

  • The 'onhand' caseload for Pre SkillSelect subclasses has reduced from 98,096 at July 2012, to 26,181 at July 2014, a reduction of 73%;

  • 现在移民局手中待处理的case由2012年7月的98096个下降至2014年年的26181个。

  • Since the introduction of SkillSelect in July 2012, the GSM pipeline for those subclasses has reduced by 42,130 applicants or 43%;

  • 自从2012年七月引入Skillselect系统后,申请人数减少了43%,42130名。

  • 342 primary Significant Investor Visas have been granted, resulting in 1.71 billion dollars being invested in the Australian economy.

  • 迄今为止共有342名500万巨额投资移民的申请获批,给澳洲经济注入17.1亿澳元资金。

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