AEMS恭喜洪先生186永居签证顺利获批! ---10/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Hong successfully got 186 permanent visa approval! ---10/07/2015
AEMS恭喜杨女士186永居签证顺利获批! ---02/07/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Yang successfully got 186 permanent visa approval! ---02/07/2015
AEMS恭喜尚先生571学生签证签证顺利获批! ---07/05/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Shang successfully got student visa approval! ---07/05/2015
Congratulations to Miss Ling successfully got 187 permanent visa approval! ---07/07/2015
AEMS恭喜于先生190技术移民永居签证顺利获批! ---08/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Yu successfully got 190 skilled migration permanent visa approval! ---08/07/2015
AEMS恭喜郑先生457签证顺利获批! --08/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Zheng successfully got 457 visa approval! ---08/07/2015
AEMS恭喜刘先生全家489技术移民签证顺利获批! ---02/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Liu and his family successfully got 489 skilled migration visa approval! ---02/07/2015
AEMS恭喜田女士全家188商业投资签证顺利获批! ---07/07/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Tian successfully got 188 Business Investment visa approval! ---07/07/2015
AEMS恭喜吴先生570学生签证签证顺利获批! ---16/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Ng successfully got student visa 570 approval! ---16/07/2015
AEMS恭喜尤先生全家457签证顺利获批! --08/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. You and his partner successfully got 457 visa approval! ---08/07/2015
AEMS恭喜武先生457签证顺利获批! --08/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Wu successfully got 457 visa approval! ---08/07/2015
AEMS恭喜李先生573学生签证签证顺利获批! ---17/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Li successfully got student visa 573 approval! ---17/07/2015
AEMS恭喜王女士及配偶457签证顺利获批! --21/07/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Wang and her partner successfully got 457 visa approval! ---21/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Leung successfully got student visa 572 approval! ---20/07/2015
AEMS恭喜中国刘女士全家187永居签证顺利获批! ---22/07/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Liu and her family from China successfully got 187 permanent visa approval! ---22/07/2015
AEMS恭喜傅先生573学生签证签证顺利获批! ---17/07/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Fu successfully got student visa 573 approval! ---17/07/2015