你觉得你对自己的了解足够深吗? 你问我为什么要问这个问题? Too simple too naive. 当然是因为面试中可能会遇到这样的问题啦! 今天,小编我就来跟大家讨论一下—— 小编小编,我今天面试中,面试官问我的Greatest Strength是什么?我觉得好难哦。拜拜托,这种问题还难吗?已经是非常老的问题了。那既然你这么说的话,你能不能帮我分析下面试官提出这个问题的意图呢?面试官问出这个问题,主要是想知道四点信息。一是想确认你是否有足够的自信心;二是看看你对自己是否有足够的了解;第三点是想知道你的长处,以及你知道如何运用你的优势。这第四点么,让我先卖个关子……好好好,我说我说。这最后一点就是要看你的能力是否符合你所应聘的公司和职位了。是这样啊,我了解了。那么其实这个问题不难了呀,我的优点可多了~不错哟,那你来给我说说看吧!比如说,我勤奋好学、上进、对人善良、有耐心、有孝心……(还没回答完)停!这可不行,你这也不能胡乱回答。要知道,这个优点的选择也是有讲究的,面试官期望你回答的优点是能够对你今后的工作有帮助的。还有呢还有呢?好滴,那就由我来为你一一道来吧—— 应对这种问题的最好办法,就是在面试之前做好准备,因为这一问题被问到的概率较高。首先我们该做的,就是好好分析与认知自己,将自己的优缺点列张单子,只有做到对自己充分的认知才能不怕这类问题。 一、不需要列举出你所有的优点,而是要挑出一两条细说;二、选择的优点需要能够与你应聘的公司职位和要求相契合;三、不要仅仅用大而泛的描述语言,尽量列举出实例,能够有数据支持更好;四、描述要真实,你面前的面试官可是阅人无数的人精,你骗不过他的。 以下是作死回答方法Well, I think I'm pretty much awesome in any and every area you can think of. You name it, I have it covered. In fact, I really don't have any weaknesses, pretty much everything is my strength. So if you were going to ask that question about what is my greatest weakness, don't, because I don't really have any. That really bugs me when people ask that question, because it assumes that I have a weakness of some sort and I don't. If you look up "awesome" in the dictionary, my name will be there. ↑ 这位同学你太有自信了,面试官都不知道怎么回答你了。你要真这么能,面试官就应该是你了! 以下是参考作答方式One of my biggest strengths is my organizational skills. I’m naturally a very organized person and always have been in my personal life and with school. I realized in my internship last summer that it is a huge asset professionally as well. One project I worked on required[insert example of time when you had to organize chaos]and now the [thing you put together] is used across the company and there is a better system in place. I received great feedback on this project from my manager and I am proud that I was able to create more efficiency for the company. I know that this role requires [insert relevant responsibility here] and I think my strong organizational skills will be a big asset to that task as well as many of the others.My greatest strength is my ability to work effectively with many different people. My strong communication skills have made me an effective project manager on dozens of projects over the past five years. Because this job involves a lot of team projects, I know that my communication and interpersonal skills and make me an ideal fit for the position.I’ve always considered myself to have a very strong work ethic. I am committed to doing whatever it takes to meet deadlines. As part of a work placement I was working with a customer who had my team on a strict deadline. For reasons beyond my control, there was some confusion in the delivery of crucial documents, which didn’t get to our office until late on the afternoon before the deadline. Rather than go home, I volunteered to stay late and finish everything, ensuring that the deadline was met, and that the work was of a very good standard.不过小编最想告诉大家的点就是,一定要保持自信!因为自信的态度,会让面试官更加相信你所说的,也会提升你的形象和魅力。 你已经很棒了,不要再有更多的担忧了好吗?推荐阅读:(点击标题上方图片即可阅读)Be prepared|15个高概率面试题 总有一题是你不会的创 意 | 有一份这样的简历,还愁找不到工作嘛着 装|什么样的正装最吸引面试官的眼球?