Newtown素来都是文青们的首选之地。漫步在King Street上,沿路两旁汇集了各具异域风情的装饰店,礼品店,服装店……说到Newtown,不得不说的,还有那些店面看起来不起眼,但是却闻名整个悉尼的一些小酒吧和Cafe,著名的西瓜草莓蛋糕店也坐落在Newtown Station附近的一条小巷里。今年Newtown Festival的主题是 Celebrating Our Newtopia地点:Camperdown Memorial Rest Park这里主要举行著名的狗狗秀,届时你们会看到许多可爱和萌萌的狗狗。喜爱宠物的小伙伴们一定不要错过哦~This is what music is all about. Funky, fresh and often raw, the Essential Stage boasts entertainment with a twist that never disappoints.
Expect the unexpected in the village! Brilliant local acts, roving performers, Café de Rude and the Live Art Hub presented by 567 King.Drop in and say hi to staff, volunteers, and the eclectic mix of locals competing to be crowned ‘Miss Newtopia 2015’!Brought to you by local Newtown Bookshop Better Read Than Dead, the Writers’ Tent brings together some of the best local and national talent on offer, ranging from high literature buffs to children’s authors, chefs, comedians, screenwriters and more.Some of the neighbourhood’s most iconic cafes, bars and restaurants will be back again to create some brand-new hybrid dishes, exclusive to Newtown Festival.Black Star Pastry (西瓜草莓蛋糕!)其实还有好多好多精彩活动,大家可以去官网看看,还有他们活动的具体时间哟~
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