1. BRB – Be right back 马上就滚回来啦“Wait for me I’ll BRB” 2. FYI – For your information 供你参考“FYI DNC has the best fans in the world” 3. DOB – Date of Birth 生辰日期“What is your DOB?” 4. MIA – Missing in action 不知道在搞什么鬼“Litter A always goes MIA when in KTV” 5. AKA – Also known as 也就是传说中的……“Hi I’m Little A, AKA Amy ;)” 6. ETA – Estimated time [of] arrival 大概时间 “My ETA to lunch will be 35minutes” 7. RSVP - Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (Yes it’s French but we also use it in English!) 快点回复爸爸 8. BFF – Best Friends Forever 好基友一辈子“I have BFFs in England and in China” 8. G2G – Got to go 马上就要滚走了 “Sorry WeChat contacts I can’t speak I’ve G2G to class” 9. TGIF! – Thank God it’s Friday 妈蛋,终于到这周最后一天了“TGIF let’s get some Tsingtao beers” 以上文章来自WeKnowUni唯独有你,略有删减。 公司地址:Suite 903, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000 官网:www.dncconsulting.com.au咨询电话:0488 888 362微信ID:dnctraining