BACKGROUND 背景 The G20 was established as a forum among a group of countries representing both developed and emerging economies from every region of the globe.ESTABLISHMENT 建立The G20 was formally established in 1999, which comprises 19 countries plus the European Union.UPGRAD 升级The G20 was elevated to leaders' level and G20 leaders convened for the first time in November 2008 in Washington, to deal with the crisis, resotre global growth and initiate necessary reforms in the financial markets.20国集团(G20)是一个国际经济合作论坛,是由世界上多个地区及国家、发达及发展中经济体组成。G20于1999年9月25日由当时八国集团(G8)的财长在德国柏林成立,涵盖了19个国际以及欧盟。第一届G20峰会于2008年11月在华盛顿举办,当时意在联合世界抵抗金融危机、重振世界金融市场。 现在,G20的宗旨是为推动已工业化的发达国家和新兴市场国家之间就实质性问题进行开放及有建设性的讨论和研究,以寻求合作并促进国际金融稳定和经济的持续增长, CHARACTERISTICS01 REPRESENTATIVENESS涉及到 2/3 的世界人口涵盖了60%的土地面积包括了85%的全球GDP总额以及80%的世界贸易总额02 EQUALITYDeveloped countries and developing countries sit at the same table as equal partners, discuss and decide on international economic matters on an equal footing. 发达国家和发展中国家作为平等的伙伴同桌会谈,共同商议决定国际经济事务。03 EFFECTIVENESSG20 has achieved general agreements on how to cooperate in key areas such as to deal with the financial crisis, restore global economic growth and reform international financial institutions. G20在对于如何在发展的关键领域进行合作达成了协议,比如如何应对金融危机、如何振兴全球经济体系、如何规范管理全球金融机构等。 DEVELOPMENT2008.11Washington summit achieved a common understanding of the root causes of global crisis and reached agreement on strengthening coopeartion in fighting protectionism, promoting economic growth and other areas. 在华盛顿峰会上,各国对于全球金融危机发生的根本原因达成了共同认识,并且商讨了如何在共同应对金融危机、促进经济繁荣增长等领域加强合作。 2009.4In April 2009, G20 leaders met in London for their second summit and reached broad consensus on many issues, including increasing fund in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and strengthening financial supervision and regulation. 2009年4月,G20国领导人在伦敦进行了第二次会晤并对许多问题达成了一致意见,例如在国际货币基金组织里增加基金、加强金融监管以及规范金融管理规则等。 2009.9During Pittsburgh summit, leaders made a big breakthrough in reforming the architecture of global financial institutions. 在匹兹堡峰会上,各国领导人在对全球金融机构的管理设置上作出了重大突破。 2010.6Focusing on need fore fiscal consolidation, Toronto summit agreed that advanced G20 deficit economies would at least stabilize or reduce sovereign debt ratios by 2016. 在2010年6月的多伦多G20峰会上,各国决定在2016年前尽量降低或者最少是维持当前的外债率。 2010.11Members delivered the Seoul Action Plan, committing themselves to implement macroeconomic policies to ensure ongoing recovery and sustainable growth. 2010年G20的首尔决议上对于世界宏观经济的情况作了详细的分析,并且决定实施各项经济措施以保证世界经济稳健、持续增长。 2011.11Leaders agreed to develop country-specific Cannes Action Plan for Growth and Jobs to address short-term economic vulnerabilities and strengthen the medium-term drivers of growth. 在戛纳的G20会议上,各国领导人研讨了短期内世界经济的弱点以及商议了如何在中长期促进经济增长的机制。 2013.9The summit adopted the St.Petersburg Action Plan, which sets out reforms for achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth. 峰会采用了圣彼得堡方案,让世界经济实现更快更稳定的持续均衡发展。 2014.11Leaders gathered in Australia on 15th November 2014 to discuss the key obstacles and reforms needed to achieve stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth in G20 economies. 2014年11月15日,各国领导人在澳大利亚会晤,讨论了世界经济发展的障碍与瓶颈,并且讨论了如何继续实现G20国经济繁荣稳定可持续发展。 2015.11Themed with "collective action for inclusive and robust growth", the summit was expected to enhance global confidence and ensure a strong, sustainable and balanced growth for the world economy. 主题是“共同实现经济繁荣增长”。此次峰会意在提升全球经济发展信心并且保证世界强劲的可持续经济增长的势头。 2016.9The leaders gathered in Hangzhou will be concentrating at four key concepts in a bid to further develop the G20 community as well as get the global economy back on track. The summit, with the participation of the most developing countries in the history of G20, was more representative and inclusive in its composition. 各国领导在中国杭州会晤,会晤重点在巩固发展G20成员国的关系,将世界经济发展合作推上一个新的台阶。此次峰会参与的发展中国家是G20峰会历史上最多的,更具有包容性和代表性。 Talking about G20:Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected, Inclusive 创新、活力、联动、包容 The leaders gathered in Hangzhou will be concentrating at four key concepts in a bid to further develop the G20 community as well as get the global economy back on track. This year's G20 Hangzhou summit has an interesting theme based on four pillars, or in this case, four words that start with the letter "I". The first is "innovative", such as science & technology development. It also refers to concepts like business models, the new ways to stimulate growth in the world economy.【诠释】创新:科学科技发展,也意指能够让世界经济可持续稳定发展的新经济商业模式。 The second "I" is "invigorated". World leaders will look into re-vitalize and re-energize markets around the globe at a time of transformation and challenges.【诠释】活力:世界领导人们将会把目光聚焦在迎接全球经济复苏激励全球经济活力的转变和挑战上。 That brings us to the third "I": "interconnected". The G20 Summit is a stage for international economic cooperation. For example: the belt and road initiative to drive Chinese investment. It demonstrate how cooperation can bring new economic vitality.【诠释】联动:G20 峰会是一个世界级的经济合作大舞台。例如“一带一路”促进中国的海外投资项目。联动作用将会为世界经济注入新的活力。 The fourth "I" is "inclusive". It refers to the benefits of revitalized economy to be shared by all. "Inclusive" is meant to narrow economic gaps and focusing on interconnected development.【诠释】包容:全球经济复苏是所有G20成员国合作的成果,是全部国家共同享有的。 If leaders can come together on all four these "I"s, then results may just be what you and "I" need.2016杭州G20峰会主题“构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济”。 对于明年峰会的筹备工作,习近平表示,希望从4个重点领域推进:一是创新增长方式,重在推进改革创新,开辟和抓住新机遇,提升世界经济增长潜力。二是完善全球经济金融治理,增强新兴市场国家和发展中国家的代表性和发言权,提高世界经济抗风险能力。三是促进国际贸易和投资,发挥其对增长的推动作用,构建开放型世界经济。四是推动包容、联动式发展,力求落实2030年可持续发展议程,消除贫困,实现共同发展。 对于为何提出上述主题和重点,习近平称主要出于三方面考虑:首先是世界经济基本走出危机,但复苏高度脆弱,增长动力不足,主要经济体走势和政策更趋分化。二是近年来,全球经济治理改革进展不畅,国际经济贸易规则加速演变。三是G20面临从危机应对向长效治理机制的转变,议题从短期问题向深层次和长期性问题延伸。公司地址:Suite 903, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000 官网咨询电话:0488 888 362微信ID:dnctraining