

1、通过网络找有房屋出租(To lease, To let)的广告。
2、联系租屋中介(leasing agent)或是房东(landlord, landlady)确定房源。
3、切入正题,"Do you have any apartments for rent right now?" 、 "Do you have any apartment available right now?" (你们现在有没有公寓要出租啊?)或是 "Do you still have a vacancy?"(还有空的公寓吗?)。
4、如果对方的确有公寓要出租,就可以接着问对方,"What kind of apartment do you have?" (你们的公寓什么样啊?)。
5、如果很不巧的房子刚刚才租出去(lend out),你可以换别家试试,或者再确认一下,"When would you say that there would be an apartment available again?" (那你觉得什么时候才会有房子空出来呢?)。

“My name is… I saw your advertisement of a room/house/apartment to rent and I’m very interested.” 我的名字是...我看到你的租房广告,很感兴趣。
“When would it be convenient for me to view the room please?”请问我什么时候去看房较方便呢?
“I’m sorry I am only able to view after 6 o’clock (or 6p.m.) in the evening or at weekends due to my work commitments.”不好意思,由于工作关系,我只能在晚上6点后或周末有时间看
“I could view the room in my lunch break between 12 and 2p.m.”我可以在午餐休息时大约在12点到下午2点有时间。
“So that’s Wednesday evening at 6p.m? I look forward to meeting you.”那么就在周三晚上6点吧?很期待见到你。

“Does the rent include the costs for water and heating?”房租包括水和暖气的费用吗?
“How much are the electricity/gas/water bills for a year?”一年的水电气需要支付多少钱?
“Is there a telephone connection? I need to be able to get internet access.”这里可以接通电话吗?我还需要网线。
“How many other rooms are let in the building?”这幢房子里还有哪些房间允许进入?
“How many people share the bathroom/kitchen?”多少人共用浴室或厨房?
“Is there a laundry room?”有洗衣房吗?
“So this studio apartment has an open plan area which is for living, sleeping and cooking with a separate bathroom?”那么这套公寓有敞开式的区域供居住,睡觉和烹饪,还有一间独立的浴室?
“So this apartment has an open plan living area with kitchenette, a separate bedroom and a bathroom?”那么这套公寓有敞开式的居住区域有小厨房,独立的卧室和浴室?
“Do you have an apartment available with its own separate kitchen, bedroom and bathroom?”你们这有可以拥有自己的独立厨房,卧室和浴室的公寓吗?
“Is there a washing machine/dishwasher in the kitchen?”厨房里有洗衣机或洗碗碟的机器吗?
“Do any of the other tenants have children?”其它的租客有孩子吗?
“Am I allowed to redecorate the rooms?”我可以重新装修房子吗?
“How long is the rental lease for?”契约期是多长?
“Do I have to pay a security deposit?” 我需要付押金吗?
“Have many other people viewed the room already?”已经有多少人看过房了?
“When will you decide who gets the room?”你什么时候能决定下来租给谁?
“When would I be able to move in?” 我什么时候可以搬进来?
“How much notice”多少钱?
“Am I allowed to use the garden at the rear or does that belong to the ground floor apartment?”我可以使用后边的花园吗?或者那个花园属于一楼的公寓吗?
“The heating/air conditioning/washing machine/dishwasher isn’t working.” 暖气/空调/洗衣机/洗碗碟机坏了。
“I’m having a problem with my key and lock. It is difficult to unlock the door.”我的锁和钥匙出问题了,锁很难打开。
“The timed light always goes out before I can reach the landing.”定时感应灯通常还没等我走到楼下就熄灭了。
“Could you organize for it to be repaired please?”你能抽时间修一下吗?
“I’m sorry but I have to complain about the neighbors upstairs/downstairs/on the other side of the hallway.”不好意思,但是我得投诉楼上/楼下/走廊对面的邻居。
“They are very noisy.”他们太吵了。
“They leave their garbage in the hallway which leaves an unpleasant smell and attracts cats, mice and rats.”他们把垃圾堆在走廊里,味道很难闻,还把猫和老鼠都招来了。
“They leave bicycles in the hallway and it is difficult to open the door and get into the hallway.”他们把自行车停在走廊里,这样很难开门,很难走到走廊上。
“The children leave toys on the stairs and it is very dangerous.”小孩子把玩具丢在楼梯上,很危险的。