很多同学都觉得PTE的口语和写作是比较简单的一部 分,大多数同学都能在经过一段时间的练习后拿到自己 想要的分数。但是与此同时,会有一些同学觉得PTE中 的阅读和听力就不是那么好拿分了。那么今天小7就来 跟大家说一说听力中一类比较重要的 SST(summarise spoken text )。
首先同学们需要了解summarise spoken text 这类题型的考察点以及在考试中的评分标准,这样有针对性的答题才更容易拿到理想的分数。其实不止是对SST,其他题型也是一样的,大家可以去PTE官方网站看到每一个类型的详细评分标准。
通过官方给出的 Score Guide我们就可以看出SST的考察点其实主要就是两个点,一个是Topic,另一个是supporting points。 那么大家在答题的时候只要按PTE的考察点去答题就会很容易拿到理想的分数了。
1: Topic & supporting points
Topic 其实就是一段话的主题,是一段话主要讨论的中心内容。而Supporting points 是用来证明论证主题的分支,比如说举例或者是说话人的观点态度之类的。所以小7告诉大家在做SST记笔记的时候只需要记录这两个点的关键词就可以了。然后写答案的时候把你记录到的Topic 和 Supporting points/example 的关键词通顺的组成50-70个字总结概括就可以了。 在这里小7想提醒大家的是SST 不同于SWT, 不是必须一句话总结,也就是说只要你字数在要求范围内你是可以写一个一上的句子来总结概括的,所以小7想说那些语法基础不那么好的同学千万别作死非要用从句什么的写成一句话,你就写简单句就好了,只要在规定字数范围,写两个简单句总结清楚是比你写一个有可能有语法错误的复杂句要稳妥的。
‘Technological nature’ … you mayhave heard this term. .. it’s a term used to describea picture of a natural scene that’s been produced using computer graphics sothat basically it isn’t a real view – say of a garden or field – it’s a virtualone – it’s a picture that looks like a real scene, Now,looking at scenes of nature is known to have an effect on people’s health andwell-being. So for someone who’s ill, for a patient in a hospital, does avirtual view of a garden have the same impact as a real one? Does it have thesame beneficial effects when you look at it? Because that would be good. Well,um, if you test this out, if you put a group of people in a roomwith a real view and another group of people in a room with a virtual view – anunreal view – you can see what happens when they get stressed. If you give bothgroups a task that is slightly stressful and increases their heart rate and, um,what you’ll find is that the people who have the real garden sceneoutside their window to look at – their heart rate goes back to normal morequickly than those of the people in the other group who only have a virtualview to look at. So, yes, there is a difference– people’s recovery from stress is faster in the room with the real view.
1. Technological nature is a picture of an atural scene produced by computers
2. Looking at scenes of nature can have effect on people's health and well-being
3. When you have two groups of people in aroom with different views, you will find different results.
4. People's recovery from stress is faster in the room with the real view.
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