
Today food travels many miles from farms to reach consumers. Some people believe that people should eat food from local farmers. It is good for environment and economy. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(2018年11月7日印度考题)
关键词:business meetings, training
1. 这个题目的优缺点要限定在回应environment and economy两个方面。
2. 经济上的好处可以从当地农民讲,给当地农民创造收入和就业机会。经济上的坏处可以从消费者讲,消费者选择外地的food肯定是因为更好的质量或同等质量更低的价格,如果没有外地的食物选择,很可能会支出更多的钱。
3. 环境上的好处是减少的运输转移过程,减少了污染排放。环境上的坏处是可能一些食物并不适合在当地种植,反而破坏环境。或者可能会导致当地过度开垦土地。
In the modern era, we no longer rely on locally grown food only. We can now easily purchase food that crosses a long distance before reaching our local market. Though this trend has some clear benefits as it widens our freedom to choose our food from and reduce the food scarcity, it has some disadvantages that should not be overlooked.
No doubt we live in a global village and with the introduction of the speedy transportation system, food grown anywhere could be transported to other parts of the world. This means people can have any fruits, vegetables and other food items from their local market. If something is not locally grown, import it - globalisation has made it possible. It also fosters the international trade, helps many farmers reach the international market and help countries fulfil their food requirements. However, this does not come without a price.
The transportation of food requires burning more fuel and this is detrimental to the environment. Just to supply internationally grown fruits, we are unknowingly degrading our green environment. This is a price we cannot afford to pay. Another negative impact of transporting food is putting the local farmers into the competition and they are forced to produce more items at a lower cost and hence the increasing use of chemicals. This is in a way declining the quality of locally grown food items. Importers cannot ensure the freshness and proper nutrition of imported food. Local sellers also preserve them for several days. This makes it less nutritious and less fresh than the locally produced fruits and vegetables.
In conclusion, I personally believe that transporting food over a long distance is undesirable and have more negative consequences that the positive ones. It threatens our local farmers and chemically preserved fruits and vegetables that are being imported is not a healthy choice at all.

