Describe a car journey you went on

• 故事线:和从国外回来的叔叔一起开车去南方海边旅行
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My uncle lives and works abroad. He rarely gets the chance to go home because his work is very demanding. Recently however he was able to take a few weeks off, so he came back. My uncle had told us about a plan he had to take a long trip through the country and all of us agreed. He said that it had always been his dream and now we are going to share in it. We all packed our bags and he rented a vehicle large enough to accommodate all of us. He volunteered to drive the first few miles but since it was a long and exhausting drive for just one man, he and my father took turns on the wheel.

• 故事线:一家人开车出发去九寨沟,临时改变计划和结识的驴友结伴而行。一路风光无限,气氛融洽。世界那么大就是要去看看
• 高分语段:
When seeing beautiful scenery, we always parked our car beside the road, took photos, had a rest. We totally threw ourselves behind our plan which had been changed again and again, but everybody was happy, nobody minded we had to make a new plan all the time. At that moment, mum had to accept that self-driving was the best decision we made. We had experienced the best journey.

• 故事线:和朋友一路结伴在墨西哥自驾游,结交到很多朋友,在坎昆度过了一个特别的圣诞节,途径的每一处风景皆是美好回忆。
• 高分语段:
We all took turns driving and it was truly a great trip, one that I'm sure we'll all remember for a long time. Like I said, we didn't really have a plan but we wanted to see as much of the country as we could in the time we had free.... So we just used to drive for a couple of hours and then stop in a village or town and take a walk around and see some of the sights, have something to eat and drink and relax a little. Then we'd continue on to the next place we had marked on our map.
环球雅思 想你所想
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