如果申请人的职业属于SOL1,同时按照移民局的评分标准(Point Test)可以达到至少60分,那么申请人就可以递交EOI申请,并且有机会获得邀请(invitation)申请189独立技术移民。189技术移民不需要州或亲属担保,移民成功后可在澳大利亚任何地区生活,工作和学习,没有任何限制。
* 需要获得EOI邀请(beinvited to apply);
* 年龄小于50岁;
* 职业属于SOL1,并且通过相关职业评估;
* 雅思最少4个6(A类或者G类均可);
* 评分至少达到60分;
* 符合身体和品质要求;
1. 申请人首先需要通过职业评估,雅思达到4个6(A,G皆可,有效期3年),提交EOI。
2. 收到邀请后,申请人需要在60天内递交申请资料,同时支付3,520澳币的申请费。申请中可以包括配偶或子女。每个配偶或年满18岁随行子女需要额外支付1,760澳币的签证申请费用。随行子女未满18岁则只需要880澳币的额外签证费用。
3. 相关的支持材料需要扫描,然后与在线申请一起递交。所需材料请参照189签证申请材料清单。
4. 申请人需要体检,16岁以上的随行成员需要无犯罪证明。签证受理过程中申请人的工作和个人信息变化都需要及时通知移民局。
年龄(Age)- FLYabroad | 18-24 | 25 |
25-32 | 30 | |
33-39 | 25 | |
40-44 | 15 | |
45-49 | 0 | |
英语能力(English languag) | 雅思单项4个6分(Competent English - IELTS ) | 0 |
雅思单项4个7分(Proficient English - IELTS ) | 10 | |
雅思单项4个8分(Superior English - IELTS 8) | 20 | |
与提名职业相关的澳洲工作经历 (Australian work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation) | 1-3年相关工作经历(过去10年) | 5 |
3-5年相关工作经验(过去10年) | 10 | |
5-8年相关工作经验(过去10年) | 15 | |
8-10年相关工作经验(过去10年) | 20 | |
与提名职业相关的海外工作经历 Overseas work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation | 3-5年相关工作经验(过去10年) | 5 |
5-8年相关工作经验(过去10年) | 10 | |
8-10年相关工作经验(过去10年) | 15 | |
学历(包括海外学历和澳洲学历) Qualifications (Australian or recognised overseas) | • 认可的海外学徒-Offshore recognised apprenticeship • 澳洲三级证书-AQFIII/IV completed in Australia • 澳洲文凭-Diploma completed in Australia | 10 |
学士(含荣誉学士和硕士) Bachelor degree (including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters) | 15 | |
博士-PhD | 20 | |
澳洲学习 - FLYabroad Recognition of Australian Stud | 2年以上全日制学习 Minimum two years fulltime (Australian study requirement) | 5 |
社区语言 Designated languag | NAATI二级认证 the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters has accredited you as a translator or interpreter at the para-professional level or above. | 5 |
配偶 Partner skills | • 必须包含在申请中-be included on the same visa application as the primary applicant • 配偶不是澳大利亚永居或公民-not be an Australian permanent resident or citizen • 申请时年龄不超过50岁-be less than 50 years old at the time of application • 评估的职业在SOL上(并且需要与主申职业在一个SOL列表上)-nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List, and be assessed by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the occupation • 雅思单项4个6分-have Competent English • 过去24个月中有12个月以上某一SOL上职业的工作经历-have been employed in a skilled occupation for at least 12 months in the 24 months before the application is lodged. | 5 |
专业年 Professional Year | 提名职业相关专业 complete an approved Professional Year in their nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation. | 5 |
州领地担保 Sponsorship by state or territory government | 适用于190州领担保 Nomination by state or territory government (visa subclass 190 only) | 5 |
偏远地区担保 Sponsorship by family or state or territory government to regional Australia | 适用于由州领或者亲属担保的489偏远地区移民 Nomination by state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member, to reside and work in a specified/designated area (visa subclass 489 only). | 10 |
偏远地区学习 Study in a regional area | applicants who satisfy the Australia study requirement while studying in regional Australia will continue to be awarded an additional five points. These points will be available in addition to points claimed for the qualification and for meeting the Australian study requirement. | 5 |