We are announcing the finalists of 2020 Award for Contributions to the Australia China Relationship.
Award for Contributions to the Australia China Relationship
This Award recognises an individual or group, in any field of work, that has strengthened mutual understanding between Australia and China and thereby made an outstanding and long-lasting contribution to the relationship and the wider Australia-China community. This Award is open to alumni and non-alumni, of any citizenship, regardless of location.
This year, seven outstanding candidates have been shortlisted:
今年, 这个奖项有7位入围者,他们分别是:
Stella Cai
Senior Business Development Director
Greater China Team Leader (Food & Beverage)
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Stella Cai is an experienced Senior Business Development Manager in the Australian Trade and Investment Commission Shanghai office. She has been working in the Food and Beverage industry at Austrade Shanghai for over 20 years and leads Austrade’s Greater China Food & Beverage team to assist Australian exporters to success in China and connect business people in China and Australia food and beverage industry through various major campaigns such as Shanghai World Expo in 2010, Australia Week in China 2014 and 2016, China International Import Expo (CIIE) 2018 and 2019. Stella is the founder of the China Australia Food Importer Network (CAFIN) in Shanghai and has been the chair judge for Wine Australia China Annual Best Importer and Best Retailer Awards since 2013. Stella has been awarded with Australia Day Medallions in 2015 and 2019.
Stella graduated from the Foreign Language Institute of East China Normal University with BA degree in English Language in 1998, and received short-term training from University of Michigan Ross Business in 2015 and Macquarie University in 2003.
Stella Cai(蔡盛)是澳大利亚贸易投资委员会的大中华区资深商务总监。她在澳贸委从事食品饮料行业20年,带领大中华区的食品团队协助澳大利亚食品出口商在中国获得商机和成功,并在一系列大型活动例如2010年上海世博会,2014年和2016年澳大利亚周中国商务活动,以及2018年和2019年的中国国际进口博览会中积极推进中澳两国食品饮料行业的联系和交流。Stella是澳大利亚食品中国进口商联合会的创始人,并从2013年起受邀担任澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局中国区年度最佳葡萄酒经销商和最佳葡萄酒零售商的奖项评审。曾先后在2015年和2019年两次被授予澳大利亚国庆日纪念章。
Stella Cai 毕业于华东师范大学外语学院,并先后在Macquarie University和University of Michigan Ross Business接受过短期培训。
Jocelyn Chey
Adjunct Professor at University Western Sydney and UTS
Visiting Professor University of Sydney
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In 2009 I was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to education, particularly in the field of Chinese studies, and for fostering the development and promotion of academic and cultural links between Australia and China. I am a Fellow of the Australian Institute for International Affairs.
I studied Chinese language and history at the Universities of Sydney and Hong Kong and joined the Department of Overseas Trade in 1973 shortly after the establishment of diplomatic relations. I was the first Cultural Counsellor in the Australian Embassy in Beijing and the founding Executive Director of the Australia China Council. I returned to Beijing as Minister Commercial and later became Director of the China Branch of the International Wool Secretariat. From 1992-1995 I was Consul General for Australia to Hong Kong and Macau.
After retiring from public service, I returned to the University of Sydney as a Visiting Professor. In 2016 I was appointed the foundation Director of the Australia China Institute for Arts and Culture at Western Sydney University. I am presently an Adjunct Professor in that Institute and also in the Australia China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney.
John Paul Grima
Senior Policy Analyst for Strategic Cooperation
Office of International Affairs, Tsinghua University
Deakin University Alumnus
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John Paul has strengthened mutual understanding between Australia and China in the area of academic exchange and university mobility. By striving to reach greater levels of global collaboration in higher education, he has developed innovative pathways for students, researchers and education specialists.
In John Paul’s current role as Senior Policy Analyst for Strategic Cooperation and Partnerships Manager (Oceania) at Tsinghua University, and former role as Assistant Conference Convener for FASIC, he has:
Initiated and enhanced partnerships with universities such as Deakin, Macquarie and Go8 universities;
Coordinated and hosted the Tsinghua University 2020 Virtual Global Summer School (over 1000 enrolled students, reaching a total global audience of 20 Million) and Tsinghua’s Experiencing China Summer Programs (2016-2019). John Paul’s role ensured that Australianstudents made up a sizable contingent;
Launched World Elite University Football Tournament (2016 to 2019). JohnPaul’s role ensured Australian university representation;
Contributedtowards Tsinghua’s COVID-19 response: liaised with partners to mitigate disruption to students during the pandemic; served as key liaison point with UNESCO and Australian representative universities during the Tsinghua-UNESCO Special Dialogue;
Ensured the annual FASIC conferences reached their stated objectives, and introduced multi-disciplinary themes to enhance bilateral collaboration in scientific and technological research.
Andrea Myles
CEO & Co-Founder
China Australia Millennial Project (CAMP)
University of Technology Sydney Alumna
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Andrea Myles is an award-winning, Mandarin-speaking CEO & co-founder of the China Australia Millennial Project (CAMP). She is a sought-after keynote speaker on China and innovation. She has provided consulting advice to Fortune 500 companies and her expertise is sought by the BBC, ABC, Sky News & Radio National. She has written on myriad China issues for The Guardian, AFR, The Diplomat & Company Director magazines.
Andrea has been named:
Australia’s 100 Women of Influence by Westpac & Australian Financial Review (AFR)
Alumni of the Year of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Top 25 FinTech Influencers by Findr.com for her understanding of the Chinese Fintech ecosystem
Andrea’s 15 year exec career has China at it’s heart. She helps others connect to China’s sometimes tricky market in ways which make sense.
Andrea leads the highly successful China Australia Millennial Project, connecting global talent via a world’s-first bilateral social innovation incubator & talent marketplace.
She sits on the City of Sydney Chinese New Year Advisory Panel, UTS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Industry Advisory Board & University of Sydney Business School Board of Advice.
Andrea’s qualifications include two bilingual Masters degrees in Chinese business & culture from UTS, Yunnan Normal University & the National Political University, Taipei, a BSc in Neuroscience from the University of Sydney & fellowships from the School for Social Entrepreneurs & Sydney Leadership Program.
Andrea’s experience includes:
living in China for 5+ years
creating revenue streams for social enterprise programs in regional China
Leading the Australia China Business Council nationally
leading Prime Minister Gillard’s business delegation on her 2nd China trip
co-founding the Engaging China Project to improve “China literacy” in Australian high schools
co-founding the Sydney Roller Derby League
麦舒岚(Andrea Myles)是“中澳千禧计划”(CAMP)的联合创始人兼首席执行官,其不仅屡获殊荣,普通话也十分流利。她在中国和创新方面的主题演讲十分出彩,因而备受追捧。她曾为《财富》500 强企业提供咨询建议,英国广播公司(BBC)、美国广播公司(ABC)、天空新闻(Sky News)和国家电台(Radio National)都会咨询她的专业意见。她为《卫报》(The Guardian)、《澳大利亚金融评论报》(AFR)、《外交家》(The Diplomat)和《公司董事》(Company Director)等杂志撰写了大量有关中国的文章。
麦舒岚女士拥有以中国为中心的 15 年高管生涯。她帮助其他人以合乎情理的方式接触中国这个有时颇为棘手的市场。
在中国生活过 5 年以上
共同发起“接触中国计划”(Engaging China Project),以提高澳大利亚高中的“中国素养”
共同创立悉尼轮滑德比联赛(Sydney Roller Derby League)
Anna Qiao
Founder of Anna Charity Foundation
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Anna Qiao, the founder of MERICAN DAZ Ltd, has worked in the swimming pool sector for 22 years, in both China and Australia. Her expertise includes research and dissemination of the latest Australian swimming pool technologies in China, and management of swimming pool businesses.
As the founder of Anna Charity Foundation, with more than ten years of experience of living in Australia, she has profoundly understood the problems in work, study, and interpersonal relationships in the Chinese community, brought by differences in culture and living habits of Chinese new immigrants. Therefore, Mrs. Qiao established Anna Charity Foundation in order to promote a better and more harmonious life environment for Chinese in Australia.
此外,作为安娜公益基金(Anna Charity Foundation)的创始人,她澳大利亚生活了十多年,深刻理解了中国新移民的文化和生活习惯所带来的工作,学习和人际关系方面的问题。因此,乔女士成立了安娜慈善基金会,帮助以留学生和新移民为重点的澳大利亚华人创造更好、更和谐的生活环境。
Natasha Vary
Events and Project Manager, Griffith Asia Institute (GAI)
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The Griffith Asia Institute (GAI), Griffith University is an internationally recognized research centre that aims to cultivate the knowledge, capabilities and connections that will inform and enrich Australia’s Asia-Pacific future through research, partnerships and creating student experiences in the region through exchanges and internships.
GAI along with Peking University have been proud to design and implement the Asia Future Fellows program and guide over 130 undergraduate Australian and Chinese students to gain a deep and modern understanding of the Australia – China relationship. Project coordinator Natasha Vary, Events and Project Manager, GAI overseas two intensive one week programs hosted in Brisbane and then Beijing (which includes seminars, government and industry briefings). Fellows work together to research, write and present an essay on a chosen aspect of the Australia-China relationship. This has the bonus of providing a real-life intercultural work experience and ensures that the students stay connected during a semester and learn more about their respective cultures from each other. Fellows are also required to contribute to the community via fundraising for a charity, Bethel China and volunteer for a day when in Beijing.
These students, from multi-disciplinary backgrounds, end up with a deeper understanding of each other, backgrounds and cultures, which ultimately filters into all aspects of the Australian-China relationship via future business and government leaders, environmentalists, lawyers, educators and other representatives. Griffith Fellows have gone to become New Colombo Plan Scholars, executives and members of the Australia China Youth Association (ACYA) Griffith chapter, and some have held national roles at ACYA, thus transferring their knowledge to many Australian undergraduates.
格里菲斯大学格里菲斯亚洲研究所为能够和北京大学共同设计并实施亚洲未来学者计划而感到自豪。我们已经指导了130多名澳大利亚和中国的本科生,使他们对澳中关系有了深刻而现实的理解。格里菲斯大学格里菲斯亚洲研究所的活动和项目经理 Natasha Vary 目前已协调完成了分别在布里斯班和北京举办的,包括研讨会以及政府与行业简报等内容的两个密集项目,通过研究员们的共同努力,研究撰写并发表了有关澳中关系的一批论文。通过上述及其她项目,我们为学生和研究者们提供现实生活中的跨文化工作经验,并确保学生们在学期内的紧密联系,彼此学习更多的有关各自文化的知识。此外,我们的研究员还通过为慈善机构和志愿者募捐等方式,为社区建设做出贡献。
Wei Wang
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (China), Edith Cowan University
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Wei Wang, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (China) and Professor of Edith Cowan University, Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine, UK, Adjunct Professor in Capital Medical University, has significant world-class research achievements in the field of medicine (funded by Australia NHMRC, China NSFC, Horizon-2020), and has served as editor and editorial board member for many international academic journals, leading the team research on translation and application of science globally (support Australia Alpha Innovation Group, donation for health research in an African Ghanaian community, etc.). Since his tenure in ECU, Professor Wang has been instrumental in furthering cross-institutional partnerships and enhancing research collaboration between Australian and Chinese institutions, including over 30 universities in China (funded by CSC-ECU postgraduate training programme, China CAS, ECU PhD scholarship, etc.). During the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor Wang has provided philanthropic support to Australian Natural Biotechnology Co. Ltd.to Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital, and co-wrote a Campus Review article to provide timely and accurate information for pandemic prevention.
王嵬教授,澳大利亚埃迪斯科文大学副校长/教授,首都医科大学特聘教授。王嵬教授在人类遗传学及分子遗传流行病学领域的研究获得了国内外多项科研基金(澳大利亚 NHMRC、中国 NSFC等)支持,为多部国际学术期刊担任编委及审稿人,并领导团队在国际水平进行学术成果转化和社会应用(澳大利亚Alpha 创新平台资助);2012 年于澳大利亚任职后,促成中澳多所大学及科研机构的国际合作及人才培养项目(CSC-ECU 高水平人才培养、ECU 博士奖学金等)。
Congratulations to all finalists of 2020 Award for Contributions to the Australia China Relationship!
Please stay tuned for the finalists announcement, and more exciting news about the 2020 Australia China Alumni Awards!
Special thanks to our Award Sponsors: Australian Embassy, Beijing, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and PwC You Plus.
特别鸣谢澳大利亚驻华大使馆、澳大利亚驻华大使、澳洲贸易投资委员会和普华永道You Plus特训计划对本届校友奖的大力支持!