
2018年04月13日 MonkeyKing学生服务中心




Elaine, Robert等同学的助攻下,我们领航PTE老师Charles搜罗了此次新一波“新题”,各位朋友收好







Speaking – Describe Image

1.     Planets in solar system



2.     BMI Chart for Adults (身体质量指数表)


3.     Habits to prevent CTS (“滑鼠手综合症)




Writing –SWT

1.     What great managers do ? (下文由pte官方改编而来,原文链  接见下方)

What dogreat managers actually do? They discover what is unique about each person andcapitalize on it. Average managers play checkers, while great managers playchess. Great leaders discover what is universal and capitalize on it. The jobof a manager, meanwhile, is to turn one person’s particular talent intoperformance. Managers will succeed only when they can identify and deploy thedifferences among people, challenging each employee to excel in his or her ownway. This doesn’t mean a leader can’t be a manager or vice versa. But to excelat one or both, you must be aware of the very different skills each rolerequires.




2.     The reasons of the formation of theEnglish dominance (节选自镇江船艇学院论文)

Firstly,from the macroscopic view, the dominance of English is not precipitated by thelanguage itself, so the arising of English dominance in internationalcommunication is not solely the dominance of language itself. Just as theprofessor Jean Aitchison in Oxford pointed out, the success of a language hasmuch to do with the power of the people who use it but has little to do withinternal features of the language.


It is veryobvious in consideration to English. During the 18th century and 19th century,the influence of the British Empire began to spread around the world for thesake of industrial revolution, so English began to become popular. English wasused not only in the British colonies but also in the diplomatic negotiationsof non-English-speaking countries.


However, nomatter how powerful the adaptively is and how large the area that the power ofEnglish covers, currently, the international status of English mainly springsfrom the status of America as a superpower after World War 2.


Besides,with the development of the economic globalization and new political structure,there is a great need of an international language. As result, English becamethe first choice.




Listening –WFD


  1. Sheused to be the editor of students’ newspaper.

  2. Thechemical building is in the interior of the campus.

  3. Thehistory of the university is a long and interesting one.

  4. Thetraffic is the main cause of the pollution.

  5. Therailways were made to make distant travel possible.



1.     此次所谓PTE变题只是在原有的题库上增加新题,新题量变多了而已,而我们的经验是,老题和新题出现的概率基本是各一半,都会考到。

2.     本次变题不对官方评分标准的变化产生影响,所以熟练掌握我们领航Charles老师教的练习套路和方法,依旧炸分!

3.     本帖没有一次放出答案,旨在给大家独立思考答题模板和思路的空间!小伙伴们可以自行搜索我们真题中的中文关键词,做背景知识了解~ 参考答案会在领航大群中放出哈~ 加油💪








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