
2018年03月17日 澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆


Richard Flanagan: The Alchemy of Story

Moderator: Gavin Crombie

Over the course of seven novels, Richard Flanagan's writing has ranged from stories of intense personal meaning to subjects of burning social and historical significance. In The Narrow Road to the Deep North the author combined these two elements into a potent organic whole that won the 2014 Man Booker Prize. His work continually fuses, in different configurations, story-telling in its many guises: Tasmanian history, personal recollection, deliberate myth-making and, in his formal experimentation and ever-changing voice, the story and history of the novel itself. Tonight he speaks on the nature of anauthor's relationship to material, and the dissolution of the self within story.

(Photo: Joel Saget)

Gavin Crombie is a writer and businessman from New Zealand. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Digital Frontiera leading global visualization and 3D company with offices worldwide. He is the author of a book on doing business in China, The Way of the Dragon, which is used in over 15 MBA programs worldwide. His latest book, Secrets of Success for Architects in China was published in July 2016.

活动对谈嘉宾盖文·克龙比(Gavin Crombie)是一位来自新西兰的作家和商人。他是全球领先的,在全世界范围都有分公司的可视化和3D公司Digital Frontiera的联合创始人和CEO。他写了一本关于在中国做生意的书,叫《龙的道路》,该书在全球超过15个MBA课程中使用。他的新书《中国建筑师的成功秘诀》已于2016年7月出版。


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