【每日一练】Listening-Fill in the blanks

原创 2017年08月28日 睿思国际



You will hear a recording.Fill the missing word in each blank.

For many people commuting is a ……………….. evil. Most see going by car or van as the ‘least worst’ option. This study by the researchers at the University of East Anglia challenges that ………….. It suggests walking, cycling or travelling by public transport can lift the mood. Crucially, it suggests those who ……….. from the car to an active commute feel better across a range of psychological measures, including ………………, decision making and the ability to face up to problems. The researchers say policies encouraging people to leave their cars at home could have a ……………. impact on public wellbeing.




1.necessary 2.assumption 3.switch 4.concentration 5.dramatic


Raise International Education睿思国际教育,成立于2014年,专注于雅思和PTE教学。新加入的PTE教学,追求“稳中有升,步步为营”的理念,通过提高英语能力,并结合考试技巧,帮助学生们快速通过考试,达成自己的梦想。

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