【原创-Dina老师】听力难以突破79, 会不会是因为SST用了模板?

2018年04月17日 曼拓教育





随着机经越来越完善以及大家对PTE评分系统的了解的提高,越来越多的同学轻易突破阅读和口语的79大关了。 但是听力从一开始就最难突破的一项,其实当中的关键题型是SST。 Dina 老师之前已经接触过很多非常接近8炸的同学, 他们大部分都是在听力上遇到瓶颈, 分数大概是73-76 之间, 究其原因,通常是用了模板内容不饱满造成的, 但提高笔记技巧以及调整过SST的回答方法之后, 听力分数可以上升到85以上。 由此可见SST的比重非常高的。 本期文章,将通过一道SST真题分析如何写出高分答案。


1.       内容饱满准确,数字,专有名词都要写上

2.       满足50-70字要求,不写充字数短语句子, 如:this lecture is about …

3.       无须写复杂句, 语法正确即可

4.       每个录音有5-7个独立的意思,目标79 分的同学要全部写出, 目标65 分至少写出3-4个。

根据上述的要点, 我们一起分析这道真题:

这录音比较口语化,断句较随意,逻辑连词简单,多数用and 来连接句子, 很难通过停顿来判意思的改变。由于英文的表达方式通常是Topic sentence/main idea+ explain以及修饰成分后置, 我们听得时候,重点听前半部分, 把句子主干都记录下来就可以了。 下面红色字体部分是应该记录的内容:


(1)Today a hundred and fifty thousand farmers in India have committed suicide in areas where seed has been destroyed where they have to buy the seeds from Monsanto and by their seeds at very very high cost. And that(2)high-cost seed is getting him into debt and the debt is pushing them to suicide.

What we've done is(3)create community seed banks places where we collect and save seeds rescue them from disappearance multiply them and then distribute them according to farmers needs.

And about(4)40 community seed banks have been created across the length and breadth of India places where these have been created farmers are not in distress because(5) the biggest cost today is seeds and chemicals.

(6)These seed banks are now being a new place where we can respond to the new crisis of globalization on the one hand and climate change on the other (7)globalization has led to farmer suicides we are able to take seats to the suicide zones and distribute the seed so that farmers can bring out of that dependency grow food crops get out of debt we've been able to create community see banks to deal with climate change for the extreme flooding the new and routes the Cyclones the Hurricanes that lead to salinization and today for us the work on  seed has become the place from where we are responding to the worst tragedies and the worst crisis of our times.

红色的字体包含了每一层意思的关键词, 有了这些逻辑关系很强的笔记内容, 写50-70字就容易多了。

150,000 farmers in India have committed suicide because they need to buy seeds at high cost which put them into debt and the debt push them to suicide. 40 community seed banks have been created and they collect, save, multiple and distribute seeds according to farmers’ need. The biggest costs are seeds and chemicals. Community seed banks become a new place to respond the globalization and climate change. (68 words)











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